Monday, December 23, 2013

Cord Cutting Gaining Ground?

I subscribe to a cord cutters sub Reddit.  There are many tips and new info all the time.  What I am wondering, is are there any cord cutters out there in the ether?  I ask this, because recently a friend of mine was figuring out his cable tv/phone/internet "triple play" with Comcast.  he has no movie channels and a basic DVR on one television.  We work together, and we have a playful banter about cable vs cord cutting.

  • Is there a better and less expensive way to get the channels he likes for less cost? No
  • He is sick of only watching a few channels and paying for the other 100, can he do better? No
  • Is cutting the cord the right thing for him? No
Thats when the conversation turned into a bitching session from his side.  How many times do you use your home phone? Never, it is there for 911.  His cell phone, like most of us is his primary phone now.  How much can he skim off the bill of he got rid of that damn phone? None, it is tied to the amazing TRIPLE PLAY, that went from $99 a month for the introductory time, to its current $174 per month.  Thats is $2088 a year for many channels he does not watch for the 10 or so he does, and a phone he never uses.  

This is the trend that many in the country are falling into, the dreaded cord cutters.  Yep I am one of those.  I just did the math on a sub reddit, and my total entertainment is $360 a year.  For that I get all the internet I can get, and Netflix.  The Roku has many channels to subscribe to for FREE, and just over this last weekend, very quietly, The History Channel, and A&E Channel are on the menu for free. Granted, some of the selections are clips and teasers, but there are quite a few full episodes, and more will come.

Cord Cutting could be for everyone? Not a chance in hell.  Too many are addicted to the live sports, and "must see" television shows. Increasingly, more and more younger people are just getting internet and thats it.  The cable companies are seeing this trend, and guess what, they do not like it.

Take the chicken challenge offered by Tom Merrit, call your cable tv provider and tell them you want to cancel.  See what better deal you can get, and let me know.  I will post your comments.  The cable companies are basically giving it away free.  My friend did this, and guess what?  That $174 a month, went down to $134 a month, for the same services.  Try it, you might be surprised.

Gitmo Gil

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