Monday, December 9, 2013

Big Tech Hindsight is not 20/20

Is is so easy for the tech giants to come out today against big government spying on not only the United States shitizens but the world community.  I am quite sure that they have their internal marketing weasels, the same ones who want to sell us crap we don't need on top of the "public outrage" panic button.  I have one question.


The all caps was not by accident.  Their polling of users/customers most likely shows that the world is angry at the lack of privacy in the on-line world. If the Snowden documents had not been so incredibly explosive in their information about the MASSIVE NSA spying program, we would not be hearing from them now.

I am also quite sure that Google, who is the host of this blog, knows everything I have ranted about since its inception.  We can still protest and resist on-line, but in the real world that ability is rapidly disappearing.  I am planning my departure from the GMail community.  I use this email address for many website and application logins, and I am working on changing them as we speak.

How bizarre, I can clearly recall a few years ago, suggesting to friends and family that Gmail is great, the ease and flexibility makes email a breeze to use.  That is gone, all the features that made it great, do not overcome the overriding fact that they give every word to the government, and I have no expectation to privacy.

I can probably make a very compelling argument that snail mail is more secure and private than any email you send with Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL. Is AOL still around?

Thats my rant for this morning.  I am going to change over to Hushmail.  This email provider gives the user the ability to encrypt email.  Am I quite sure the NSA has figured out the encryption ? yes, but if it takes some NSA lackey an extra 10 minutes to read about what I had for lunch, so be it.

On that note, since the NSA and other intelligence agencies are spying on our private lives, my suggestion is to start blasting out emails about every minute of your day, make that 5 billion a day number jump to 10 billion.

Counter-point:  There are bad ass people in the world, ones who want to do us harm.  The FBI, NSA should so their police work the old fashioned way.  Put the "boots on the ground", gather intelligence on the bad guys, get warrants and then snoop and pry into their lives.  I have no problem with that. I know it boring, and time consuming, but making all shitizens the enemy is the wrong approach.

Gitmo Gil

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