Sunday, November 3, 2013

One Man, One Voice..Many Questions....

Dear Internet,
As one man, one father, one human resource in the vast wasteland that is becoming the new America, I would like to share my thoughts and feelings on where we have been, where we are, and where I feel we are going. I am rambling a bit today, forgive me.

Are we Exceptional?

I know at one time we were, to say that now, is disingenuous at best. I heard the President say that his first duty is to keep us safe. That is not true. His first duty is to "protect and defend the constitution of the United States".  If he did that one thing well, then everything else would fall into place.

 Just a few seconds ago I came across this article about the government crushing dissent.  That sums up what is happening to the Constitution in a nutshell.  This makes me sick to my stomach.  There are millions of people who have come to this country for the express right to voice dissent, and it appears that there is an active movement to destroy anyone who voices a different opinion.


When are little blogs like mine going to be illegal?  I fear in the not too distant future, anyone who protests will be thrown in jail.  Our founding fathers would be terrorists in today's world. The leaders of this country are trying and succeeding in the old tactic of "divide and conquer", and quite frankly it is tearing us apart.  When the government attacks and jails journalists for doing their jobs, there is no turning back.  The recent release of "Mediastan" proves that point exactly.  The fact that newspapers will not print stories that might get the government upset is maddening and sad.  Corporate owned journalism is dead.  Do the owners and editors of those once prized institutions really wonder why their readership is down?  In those offices and cubicles they know, they know exactly why they cant sell papers anymore.  They don't want to admit it, but they know that they are just a mouthpiece for government. 

Chuck Todd would rather be at a party having cocktails with the elites in government than reporting anything that would piss them off.  The fourth estate has been sold to the White House, lock, stock, and barrel.


How can we have a budget that is so overloaded with military spending and spying while we ignore the needs of the people?  I did not vote to assassinate American citizens without a trial.  How can anyone with a conscience believe it is right to do so? Where has our humanity gone?


Edward Snowden exposed something that many people already knew was happening and brought sunlight to the lies and illegal activities of two agencies, the NSA and CIA. These two arms of the government have too much power.

I cannot get "exceptional" out of my head today.

I heard the President tell us while ago that we are "exceptional." Do you really believe that?

Are we exceptional when we kill thousands of innocent woman and children in the name of "peace?"

Are we exceptional when we invade countries to rape them of their resources for our corporate masters?

Are we exceptional when we throw thousands of people in jail with no charges and hold them in isolation until their brains are scrambled?

Are we exceptional when there are millions of children in this country who go to bed every night hungry?

Are we exceptional when we put traveling checkpoints up just to harass innocent people all in the name of security?

Are we exceptional when we spy on millions of innocent people, capture the emails and phone calls of everyone in the hope of catching a terrorist?

Are we exceptional when we tap the phones the foreign leaders?

Are we exceptional when we tell the people of other countries to protest their governments for change, then we go and arrest those who are protesting here in this country?

Are we exceptional when our own police routinely beat up innocent people then when they are recorded doing so, throw those people in jail for exposing injustice?

Are we exceptional when whistle blowers who expose corruption are treated like the very criminals they are outing?

Are we exceptional when the top 1% control a vast majority of the wealth?

Are we exceptional because the lines at soup kitchens and homeless shelters are exploding at an alarming rate?

There are many questions here that need to be answered.  Do I for one second think I have all the answers?  Nope.  Is there room for change and discussion on many topics of concern? I think so.

I am not naive, I am well aware that there is evil in the world, and there are people who want to hurt us.  We should be very careful when we are trying to protect the people.  The indiscriminate killing of innocent women and children across the globe is going to come back and haunt us, for that I am sure.  When you decide to launch missiles and wipe out villages all to kill one person, you are going down a path of destruction that is most dangerous.  The little girl of today, who loses a mother, father, and brother will be the woman in 20 years that will dedicate her life to hurting us.

The amazing documentary "Dirty Wars" exposes the secret wars across the globe that will only hurt us in the long run. That is not a threat, it is a fact. The fact that Obama picked up the phone, and personally called the leader of Yemen, and told him to keep Abdulelah Haider Shaye in prison because he would expose the killing of women and children is beyond contempt.

 The job that the  mainstream media is doing is so pitiful and disgraceful, that finally, some people are waking up and seeing the crap they feed us as just that, CRAP.

The struggles that I see on a daily basis is staggering.  The lines outside the soup kitchen appears to get longer every day.  What is going to happen when all the human resources wake up and see the world for what it is?

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