Sunday, November 17, 2013

One Conspiracy to Rule Them All....

To listen to the mainstream media and swallow the garbage they are able to pump out at astounding levels, you would think that two people NEVER GOT TOGETHER TO COMMIT A CRIME.  The very word "conspiracy" is now such a derisive term, I think we should look for a new definition.  Those in the seats of power in the government and media want us to believe that every felony, is of the "lone wolf" variety.  I personally take offense to that.  I will grant that there are some crimes like that, but a scant few. Conspiracies do exist. Lets start with the one that was in the forefront of the news when I was a child, and coming into my formative years.

WATERGATE- There was a break in at the Watergate Hotel that was a CONSPIRACY. Many people were involved in the planning and carrying out the crime.  How come the word CONSPIRACY is NEVER INCLUDED in the headlines or any stories about Watergate?  Because, the mainstream media does not want that "C" word associated with a real proven crime, that's why...

You have Erlichmann, Halderman, Hunt, Liddy, and of course, Nixon.  What has gone largely unnoticed over the years is the "why" to the crime.  We were fed the line about Nixon wanting to know the democratic strategy to the upcoming elections.  I personally think that is a bunch of crap.  There is talk that the democrats had uncovered some very interesting information about one of the "3 hobo's" that were rounded up behind the picket fence on November 22, 1963.  One of the men in that photo was none other than E. Howard Hunt.  A long time employee of the Central Intelligence Agency, and an aide of Tricky Dick Nixon himself.  Fast forward some years, and E. Howard Hunt, on his deathbed, confessed to pulling one of the triggers on that fateful day in Dallas.  The 50 year anniversary of JFK's MURDER is approaching.  There are still thousands of files on the investigation that has never been released for us mere slaves of Gitmo Nation to read. Why do think that is?  

How many Presidents were in Dallas that day?  How many Presidents went out of their way to make a phone call to give themselves an alibi for that day?  How many Presidents were working for the Central Intelligence Agency at the time of the assassination?  These are some very interesting questions.  There is a photo, a very curious photo that was taken the seconds before JFK was shot, and in that photo, Lee Harvey Oswald is standing outside the front door of the Texas School Book Depository. Please look very closely, and you will see him clearly in the picture.  The question I have to ask, why was this photo not included in the Warren Commission Report?

Now I have a question that was put to me by my brother, Gitmo Glen a couple years back.  How is it possible that the new CIA building in Virginia came to be named after George H. W. Bush?   According to his bio, he only worked for the "agency" for a year and a half, then why the fancy moniker?  I would deduce that Poppy was very instrumental in the killing of JFK.  He was there, no question about that.
Poppy Bush-Dallas November 22, 1963

He went to make a phone call, to place himself "not in" Dallas that day, but clearly this photo taken in front of the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963, places him squarely in the middle of the mayhem.  Then there is the amazing coincidence that 2 of the "hobo's" from Dealy Plaza are the 2 of the same Watergate burglars.  You cannot make this shit up.  When confronted with this information, we are just supposed to ignore it. 

Frank Sturgis, and E. Howard Hunt, Dallas, November 22, 1963

The bigger the lie, those more people will believe it.  You have Poppy Bush, working for the CIA, and Hunt and Sturgis, working for the CIA, two of them disguised at hobos, and this is all in our imagination?  Wake the hell up.

Here is another coincidence we are supposed to ignore, Poppy's father Prescott Bush (who financed Adolph Hitler's rise to power) also groomed Richard Nixon, and Jack Ruby.  But, nothing to see here...
Nixon, Ruby, Bush

I have said it before, and I will say it again, the Bush family has done more to destroy this country than any other family.  Can you think of a worse one?  I honestly believe they are the personification of evil.  The sheer scope of their lust for power and wealth, is beyond what  many can think of.  Prescott Bush saw a way to make money with Adolph Hitler.  Think about that one for a while.  Prescott Bush employed and groomed Richard Nixon and Jack Ruby.  The sheer odds of those people, in that time, connecting and carrying out their plans defies the odds, yet we are supposed to ignore those connections.  

Any good detective, worth their salt always looks for "connections" between the suspects and victims of crimes.  Jack Ruby was granted access to the Dallas Police underground parking lot, with a gun.  How did those strings get pulled?  There are so many unanswered questions about JFK, and September 11, 2001, and we slaves of Gitmo Nation are supposed to shut up and take it.  I am sick of taking it, its time we turned the table on pure evil.  Until we do, we will never get our country back.

Want another very under reported news story?  If I wrote the following story for a movie producer, they would toss me out on my ass.  Lets say that there is a presidential shooting assassination attempt.  
Lets say that the family of the shooter and the man who would take office if the President died were very close over the years.
Lets say the vice presidents son was going to have dinner with the father of the shooter the very next day.
That would be crazy right?
Please look it up.  John Hinckley's family and Bush family were close friends for years, and tried to kill Reagan, and who would have been President, yep, that evil name again, Bush.
I will say it again, I cannot make this shit up.  

What I find most curious about the whole Watergate CONSPIRACY is why the FBI chose to give this information to Woodward and Bernstein to publish in the paper, instead of investigating the CONSPIRACY themselves?  W. Mark Felt, a former FBI Special Agent came out of the closet a few years ago, prior to his death, and the infamous "Deep Throat"..  This just opens up a shitload more questions about the FBI and their agenda.

I could go on and on, but I must stop now.  Please do yourself a favor and investigate, really look into the past, it is a great predictor of the future.  

The biggest CONSPIRACY by definition, is of course September 11, 2001.  I will only parrot what the mainstream media and the "official" story.  If 19 people get together and plan a crime, that is a conspiracy.  How come the mainstream media NEVER includes that word, when referencing that crime?  It just makes me wonder just how powerful the forces are at the top of the food chain.  

Gitmo Gil

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