Sunday, November 24, 2013

Look Over Here, It's Irish Joe.

Holy Shitstorm Batman,
 They are everywhere, and there is more and more all the time.  That is how I am feeling at this present time.  It was just recently that I started in "tweeting" in earnest.  I have quickly come to the conclusion that I am not alone, not alone at at all.  I was wondering what to call myself and all the "others" I have discovered.  After a lot of deep soul searching I came up with this, we are what you would call "human" we are all endowed with inalienable rights, of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Yep, that sums us up.

We are united in thought, we are united in a feeling that there is something terribly wrong in the direction that this country is heading.  We have been lied to, we have been deceived by the elected leaders, by the evil banksters who are trying to pluck every penny from our pockets, by local officials who grant permits to corporations and give them tax breaks that us regular slaves of Gitmo Nation can never get.

We are surrounded by ugly strip malls, that rip the character out of any small town.  There are so many conglomerates in the mix, with this mega corp. buying that business, merging with the other company, and before you know it, Jimmy Kimmel has to apologize for a joke to the country of China, because his parent, parent parent company is building a Disneyland in some frikin town there.

When will this madness end?  I have no idea. The politicians are in bed with the Military Industrial Complex, they have armed the police state in every town with weapons of mass destruction to such a degree, that if any marginal protest gains momentum, it will be squashed like a bug, but soon there will be millions of bugs.  We have the NSA recording every sms, email, website, phone call, that any semblance of privacy is gone.  But, as Edward Snowden has shown us, there are some people who work there, who might still have their soul intact.  There just might be someone on the inside who will help us, all is not lost.

Alas, there is some hope.  It looks like there are more people waking up all the time.  The occupy movement seems to be gaining some ground this week, and next week, I have a feeling that Walmart is going to be in for a surprise.  The boycott Walmart news is starting to make some noise.  The slave wages they pay their workers is getting some traction.  Hope is alive.

I came across another blog today, and when I read the article, the first thing I thought was that I could have written it myself.  Irish Joe Harrison can write, and I am proud to link to his blog.  We need more Irish Joe's in this country.

  I cannot recall being more outraged at the police state this has become until I read the story about Steven Eckert, a man who got pulled over for a traffic stop.  What ensued is complete insanity, they fucking anal probed him for the chance he might have drugs, the chance of drugs.  Oh, by the way, they ANAL PROBED HIM 8 TIMES.  But Gil, can it get worse? Yes it can, they sent him a bill for $6,000 for that fun afternoon.  I cannot make this shit up.  The sad truth is that you don't have to wait too long, or look to far to find a new outrage.

There are banksters stealing our money, lawmen who look the other way, and allow the elites to rob us blind, and then they go after the poor waitress for not reporting her tip money in a timely fashion.  The military kills women, children, women with children, with Drones from the sky, and then our inept lying President has the temerity to jail a reporter who brings this mass murder to the world. Look up Abdelah Haider Shaye , his story was brought to the worlds attention by Jeremy Scahill.

I could go on an on with the new outrages, but that would just bore you.  I am angry, there are millions like me, someday we are all going to gather, and there will be some grand goings on.  The powers that be will have to take notice.  Right now, they are aware of us, they know we are lurking.  The sad truth is, there will be a tipping point event, someone is going to get hurt, or even die, but there will be no going back.

I hope to find more Irish Joe's out there.  I am with him. I resist every chance I get.  I write, I talk, I publish, and this Friday, I will join the line at a Walmart, and stand tall with them, as all they ask for is a living wage. Is that a lot to ask?  Really?

Is it wrong to work an honest day, and get paid fairly?  I dare you to walk around a Walmart, Best Buy, Kmart, and look for a product that was made in AMERICA. Go ahead, try it.  We have to start making things again.  We have become a service and retail country.  Pretty soon, there is not going to be any money to buy anything, no matter how cheap it is, that is a fact.

Gitmo Gil

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