Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Part One- What is wrong?

As Gitmo Gils sits at his desk (yes, he is in the "third person" phase again) He wallows and contemplates what is wrong, what can we do, is there any hope?

In this ongoing conversation, this is Part One. 

What is wrong?

Alas, where to begin? 
Lets start at the quasi local level. I am employed in a field of work that does not pay a lot. I am a caregiver, I am a friend, I am a voice for those unfortunate to not have one. But more importantly, I am a protector, I keep 3 people very safe, very secure and do my best to give them the best that this life can offer. What I do is not most financially rewarding job, nor is it the worst. I have been doing this for over 25 years, and as of the last two performance reviews, I am very, very, good at it.  I can honestly say that the days that I have left work with that "great day" feeling have been the ones where one of my guys, has accomplished something new.  Whether that is figuring out how to call his parents, or building some absolutely amazing structures out of Leggo's , or making a bed my himself, the feeling of a job well done has nothing to do with the amount of money on my paycheck.  

Sadly, that "great day" feeling does not pay the bills, or put gas in the car.  I have thought long and hard about changing my field of work. I did for a few years. I worked for a nursing agency as their computer guy. I loved teaching. One of my responsibilities was training nurses, Physical Therapists, and Occupational Therapists how to use a computer, and the medical software on that PC.  I was so good at my job, I was eliminated when the budget was tightened, and they did not need my services anymore. I knew then end was coming when the phone listing came out, and my name was noticeably absent.  The IT director to her credit, pushed for the agency to keep me in their fold, but in today's world bean counters win.

Now we go back to the fall of 2008, when the "Masters of the Universe" on Wall Street and all their crony banksters were going to lose everything. What happened? The let us slaves pay for it all. Did we get a vote? nope. What was the line that EVERY COMPROMISED MAINSTREAM OUTLET REPORTED?  " Too Big To Fail" that lie was told over and over until many believed it was the truth. If you do not believe me, watch this movie, The Academy Award winning Documentary "Inside Job"

They bailed out each other, gave each other bonuses for screwing all of us, it was sickening, and if you don't think that this country is heading in that direction again, take your blinders off. Out of that major screwing we took, there cam the "Occupy" movement. That grew so much, and became a force to reckon with. So much so that the banksters wanted to hire the FBI to have snipers kill the leaders of the Occupy movement.

Maybe you see where I am heading in this mild prose about my employment history.  There is no money.  There is a gigantic hole somewhere, where if you listen to some, over $60,000,000,000,000 has vanished from the world.  There is a giant sucking sound, and all those greenbacks are flowing there. Trying to figure out "where" that is, well, that is the $60 Trillion dollar question.

Many, including myself would like out leaders in government to be more accountable for their actions, and for how they are spending our money.  When ever a Congressman or Senator questions the Federal Reserve, and demands an audit, they are quickly hushed up and pushed aside. Just ask Ron Paul.

I have always made the analogy to friends that the United States intervention in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the money spent there is almost akin to my friends giving me 28% of their paycheck from here on.  They can do it for a while, but after some time, it is going to affect them in every aspect of their life. The little things in life are going to become more of an expense, and so on.  Folks, that is whats happening to our country. We are being bled dry by a national security state, that is quite frankly, out of fucking control.  We as a people have no concept of the vast amounts of money being spent on our "security".  

As I look at my sub headline on this blog, "Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither", it makes me come to the realization that it has never been more true than what is going on around us these days. We as a people have made the decision that liberty is gone, and a police state is in full force.  The NSA and who the hell know who else, is spying on us, every second of the day. We have various government agencies who are basically at war with each other to get a bigger piece of the pie, and there is no end in sight.  

 If you can't figure out by now that we have been bamboozled and most of all distracted from what is of real importance, then I really do pity you.  You do the math. 30 Million kids in this country go to sleep hungry every night. Go into every store in this country and look where the products are made. 101 Million people rely on food stamps of one sort or another every month.  The actual unemployment number is 23%, not that 8% that is reported by the govt.

But the most telling thing that you cannot ignore is right in front of your face at the grocery store.  Have you noticed how much smaller the containers are for all goods?  That 1/2 gallon of Beyer's ice cream is now 46 oz. This is done by the food companies to try to keep inflation from being noticed by distracted citizenry.  I myself happen to be a Ritz Cracker freak. One year ago a regular box of Ritz was 16 oz. The box I have in my pantry right now, is 13.7 oz, and it costs more, than the 16 oz. box from a year ago.

We have a compromised media that sucks at the teat of big government and will not report on anything of importance.  They will offer up a few sacrificial lambs from time to time, but anything that we NEED to know, that is covered over and evidence destroyed.  When more people care about who wins American Idol than they do about warrant less wiretaps, police corruption, government graft, illegal spying on citizens, then we have truly lost. Lost our way, lost our money, lost our souls, lost our liberty.

The last time I could remember one person actually making a difference for the good was Dr. Martin Luther King. And we do know what happened to him. Like James Earl Ray, and Lee Harvey Oswald, if you think that these men acted alone, well, you are an idiot. J Edgar Hoover had been secretly spying on King, for many years. Of course that only came out after any "real" investigation. 

The forces of evil are so intertwined with the government, and big corporations, that it is going to take an exorcism to eradicate and destroy them. There are so many people in office who only want to get the biggest paycheck, the most power possible.  This is not some conspiratorial rant, this is fact.  In future posts, I will do my best to expose the true evil that I see.  

One of my starting home pages is the contact page for the White House.  I write a letter to the President every day.  Some are good letters, those are rare. Most are critical of what I see, but more importantly what I feel when I am out and about. If everyone who feels this way felt compelled to write their congressman, their senator, or the President everyday, we could make a difference. These elites in power do listen, when they are bombarded with letters from constituents.

 There is not the optimism that I felt in the 90's during the Clinton years.  I feel this general morose, this feeling of apathy, and despair.  This is not some imaginative creation that I made up, I am not that good. That's how it is. 

In the small city where I live, I see more and more homeless people on the street.  My heart goes out to them.  I was coming out of a store on Thursday, and there was a man with a small child standing outside with a sign. He had no job, no home.  The look on the little boys face was of pure desperation and grief about their situation.  I put what I could in the cup the boy was holding, he gave me a nod of thanks. What happened next absolutely shook me to the core.  The man I work for is autistic and mentally retarded.  He asked me if he could put money in the cup to " help that boy" and "could they come live with us?"  I gave RT another bill to give the boy. He put the money in the cup and we walked to my car. I was sitting next to a man who was born with his disability, and he cares about those who are more fortunate in one sense, and less fortunate in another. The other "normal" people who just walked by them, doing their best to ignore and pretend they were not there, I pity them.

  We sat there and watched as many, many more people walked past that man and boy without giving them a thought. Without even a glance in their direction. Those that did look at them, quickly looked away. 

 How much different this country could be if more people cared about those less fortunate than themselves.

Just imagine a world where the 1% actually cared about the country and wanted to see the other 99% of the people prosper as well as they did.  I know, there I go, dreaming again.

These are just observations by me. I do research, probably not as much as I should, but I look into things, and they are scary. There is injustice everywhere, and that is how they like it. Divide and conquer is a concept that the government and media have been using quite successfully for a while.  They keep us distracted on matters that in the end, will never be solved, just to keep us looking away from things that truly do matter. 

There are many things I see happening now around the country, that when I was a kid my dad would say "that only happens in Russia".  I see videos of brutal police tactics on innocent citizens. I see martial law enacted for tracking down one person. I see people exercising their right to free speech being arrested for that free speech. I see people asking questions to power, silenced and arrested, for asking a question.

There are times that I wonder what gets me more frustrated. The fact that people just don't care, or they don't want to care. I see it every day, their heads are buried in the sand, and soooo easily distracted.  But the sheer amount of apathy is very disconcerting.  There are so many documentaries on YouTube, that if they were shown on "network" television,  it would wake up enough people to maybe make a difference. 

  I was at meeting with a friend last night, and she is a owner and operator of a business that provides care to people with TBI ( Traumatic Brain Injury).  There is a movement afoot to cut the funding to those families in need of care by 40% by the state politicians. This problem flows upwards, when the local government has no money, that is a problem that flows up to the state level of governing. When the state level of government has no money, that flows up to the national level of government.

  This might be a basic way of trying to explain a very complex situation, but I will give it a shot.  According to "the cost of war"   Since 2001 we have spent $4,000,000,000,000 to kill brown people for oil.  If we took that money and invested in teachers, schools, infrastructure, construction, manufacturing, in this country, I can almost guarantee that we would be better off. Can you imagine how much better of each state would be with an extra $6.6 BILLION dollars flowing in every year?  Think about that one for a second. President Eisenhower warned us many years ago about the military industrial complex, and what would happen when they were out of control. It has happened.

If you have any questions or comments, I would like to read them. 

Gitmo Gil.

Part 2 - Coming soon- What can we do? or, What we can do?

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