Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I Wish I Did Not Know....

This is for Paulette - the Newbie...

Today is a different day than many others.  It is the day that we look back on that horrible day, 12 years ago when everything changed. Did things change for the better or worse? 

I wish I did not know that Norman Minetta testified under oath that the vice president was made aware at least 3 times that something was flying towards the Pentagon on 9/11. To make matters worse, the vice president told people that he was not there at the PEOC at that time in question. Who are we to believe, Secretary Minetta, UNDER OATH, IN PUBLIC, 9/11 COMMISSION HEARING, or Cheney, not under oath, behind closed doors, no notes taken, no recording, nothing... I believe Norman Minetta.

I wish I did not know that that Nano-Thermite was found in 100's of samples taken from the rubble and dust from 9/11.  This was first discovered by Dr. Jones in Utah. It was verified by many other physicists, chemical engineers, scientists. Dr Jones went public with all this information, and, you guesses it, he was FIRED. Fired for telling the truth.

 Telling the truth and getting fired has happened to quite a few people who have been looking in the events of 9/11.  When WTC 7 How about Kevin Ryan from NIST. He went public about the inability of NIST to tell the truth. Their models could not, could not, duplicate the demolition of Building 7. Off with his head. NIST still cannot tell the truth about WTC7. So, its not in the 9/11 Commission Novel.

I wish I did not know about the brave and honorable April Gallop.  You see, her first day back at work at the Pentagon was, you guessed it, 9/11.  She had just turned her computer on when the BOMBS went off at 9:30.  Her baby was under the rubble, she and many other MILITARY people all smelled the cordite. Not jet fuel, CORDITE!!!..  She told this to the news people and was soon not only ignored, there were emails from her superiors to the TV network news channels, NOT TO GO NEAR HER.  You see, whatever hit the Pentagon, did not hit it until 9:37 at the earliest. There are many pictures and documentation of the clocks being frozen at 9:30.

I wish I did not know about Jamie Mcintyre and his FIRST ON THE SCENE reporting from the Pentagon that morning, that there was no evidence at all of any airplane "anywhere near the Pentagon".  First witness reporting is so important, it is usually clean and precise, before the "spin" can be put on events.

I wish I did not know about the various war games being played out by the FAA and NORAD that day. These war games were depicting planes being hijacked and being flown into buildings.  The various flight controllers did not know that was real, and what was a test.

I wish I did not know about "The Project for a New American Century, and the most foreboding quote, "absent a catastrophic and catalyzing event, such as a New Pearl Harbor". These people, and I am talking about Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bremer, Zelikow, Bush, Armitage, and I am sure that there are many more individuals who hide in the shadows, take orders without question, and were just as happy that 9/11 happened as those bastards that I mentioned by name.

I wish I did not know how much Rumsfeld hated having to go in front of the compromised media on 9/10/2001 to make the announcement that the Pentagon could not account for $2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS. What a coincidence that the very department that was put in charge of finding that missing money was blown up the next day.

I wish I did not know just how complicit that our own government was on 9/11.  It took me about 3 years to wake up. Like many others the official story rang true. Then one day I saw a video of WTC 7 being demolished, and I literally said WTF?   That was the "red pill" for me.  As I started to get involved, I looked more and more into the abyss of lies and deception put on my MY GOVERNMENT.  I got pissed off, and started researching in earnest.  The "mainstream" media is to blame also.  The reporters do not ask the tough questions. They are more interested in having a martini with our leadership, that taking them to task.  This is just one small example.  As a matter of fact the "mainstream" news is so utterly corrupt that the BBC and CNN  both reported the demolition of WTC 7 a full 20 minutes before it happened.  This just tells me that the script was written, just that the cue was given too soon, or someone messed up and did not push the blast button on time.

I do know that 19 guys from a cave cannot stonewall and obstruct and investigation into the events of 9/11.  There was so much bullshit going on, that the only person on the commission with integrity, quit. That's right. Max Cleland was so pissed off about not having any access to documents, and about where the investigation was going, that he quit in protest.  The one person who directed where the investigators could go, was Philip Zelikow, WHO SHOULD BE IN JAIL. In the "you can't make it up" department, he was a personal aide to Condoleeza Rice, who we all know, LIED ABOUT 9/11 UNDER OATH.

I should end this post with this. I am glad that I know this information. It has made me a more informed person. I question the govt at every turn. When Bush and company lied about WMD in Iraq, I was not surprised.  Do you think that for one second that Cheney cared one bit about any life in Iraq?  I believe in my soul that Cheney was the "producer" of 9/11.  There is so much evil there, it is hard to imagine him NOT doing it.  I believe that there were hundreds of people who owed him, took orders without question, and pulled off 9/11 with MILITARY PRECISION.. That I do know.


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