Thursday, October 24, 2013

This sums it up, Nicely!!

Here is an article about McDonald's telling its employees to sign up for food stamps.  The article is correct, it is not wrong to tell your employees to get a second job, or tell them to sign up for food stamps, it is ALSO not wrong for a huge mega corporation that makes billions in profits to pay its employees a living wage. There is one very simple solution, just don't go to McDonald's. Its that simple. The only way to let them know that you object to their business practices is to not give them your money.

How come we as a people cannot see that this is the inherent problem with our society today?  How come we just go along with the program, never questioning the motives of these mega corporations?  When are we going to get pissed off? Whew are we going to demand more?  There I go again...

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