Thursday, October 3, 2013

How Long? Part 4 In an ongoing conversation, sort of....

I saw a tweet with an interesting question. It is one that I do not ask my self often, but I have wondered at times what the answer is.

 I will pose it to you readers of my little blog. If you lost your job, how long until you would be homeless? 

  Could you rely on family to help you out? How long would that support last? Some people do not have that support system in place to help them out.  I pass homeless people every day, I see the rampant unemployment.

 Have you looked at the Help Wanted section of your local paper lately? I can clearly remember pages and pages of job listings 20 years ago. As of last Sunday, there were 5 columns of job listings. Yes, you read that right, 5 columns. You are lucky if you are looking for a job as a driver, sales, or waitress work. There is nothing wrong with those jobs, they are always there, its just lately, that's all there is.

So, how long could you afford to live in your home, apartment,condo, if you lost your job?
How long before you too would be at a soup kitchen?

How long until the unemployment ran out, if you were lucky to get that?

Want to help out the homeless? 

There are many people in the country going through a hard time.  Many of these people have been laid off from their jobs not because their business lost money. Many were laid off due to the fact that lay off's would raise a stock price 1 share price.  Greed is a powerful motivator, and as the Occupy Movement proved, their are some real greedy bastards in this country who would rather lay off 5,000 people, than get a little less profit. That is true evil in my book. I read in an article a little while ago, that capitalism isn't paying your employees the lowest possible wage. Sadly, not many people subscribe to that theory.

I am feeling very ambivalent today.  It appears that what I have been writing about is correct. The Obscene Wealth Inequality in the US is just that, OBSCENE.  Here is a link from a tweet I saw this morning. This should make your skin crawl, and it proves that the documentary "Walmart, the high cost of low living" paints a very accurate picture.

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