I spent a good part of the Chrsitmas day, at work, jumping around the Internet, and I started watching a Kevin Smith talk. It was a talk he gave that mostly dealt with his terrific movie "Red State". It was a departure from his comfort zone, and I absolutely loved the movie, and the talk I saw yesterday.
I the way I equate listening to Kevin Smith talk, is like reading a John Grisham book. To me it is like pouring milk from a jug. It just flows very smoothly and naturally. I listened to his talk, then went and watched his appearance on the Kevin Pollack Chat Show. Kevin and Kevin just talked for almost 2 and a half hours. There were some mutual appreciation moments, but for the most part Kevin Smith talked about movies and life.
It is the life talk that most interested me. When he talked about his father passing away "screaming" it hit home with me. I had heard him talk about that in other conversations. I had gone to the Bushnell in Hartford some years ago for a Kevin Smith talk, and that was a great show. But yesterday he talked about the "why" people and the "why not" people, I had a sort of epiphany moment at work.
This little blog is fun for me to update. Actually it is more than that. It is a release, it literally allows me to sleep at night. I have been a "why" person for most of my life. I was married, raised two great boys into adulthood, and I work 7 days a week to enjoy the luxuries in life, you know, pay bills, eat, drive a car, those outrageous luxuries. You might see the sarcasm in that last sentence, I wrote it that way.
Kevin Smith is living the dream. He said "why not" many years ago, then went and made "Clerks" and the rest is history. I have been saying "why" too much. It is now time to say 'WHY NOT". I want to fill the void. I want to write about what I see and feel on a daily basis of the injustice and inequity in the current state of this once great country. I might die screaming, but I want to die with no regrets about what I have done. I do not see the content on the internet that I want to create, if I did, then I would not feel this overwhelming compulsion to do so. The story I wrote about the other day on the murder of Seal Team 6 is in the vein of what I want to do.
I will pick a topic that I feel is important, investigate, research, and write. I do not have the literary skills of trained writers, I know that, hopefully with some practice, and sheer determination, I just might get the story that goes big time. Maybe, maybe not, but at least when I die screaming, it will not be because I did not try. Thanks for kick in the ass, Kevin Smith.
Gitmo Gil
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