Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Foundation of Fact

Recently my conversation has been focused on what it takes to wake some sheeple to wake up.  Whether that is a realization that their life is not working out the way they thought, or that things around them are not quite as they seem, I feel that a waking a process will take some time, absent a catastrophic and catalyzing event such as a new Pearl Harbor.  Does that sound familiar?  If not, then that process will take a bit longer.

I think the event for me, was accidentally finding the Building 7 link on Reddit sometime in the early part of 2004.  Like many Americans I had been walking around draped in patriotic aroma of cordite and gun oil.  We were at war, we were killing Iraqi people like John Wayne in an Indian Reservation.  Shock and Awe, Baby.  We were a country walking around with a massive erection and screwing everyone who got in our way.

Then I saw the link.  My life changed in that second.  I clicked and went and saw a video of a skyscraper being demolished.  Then I saw that it was Building 7 in the World Trade Center Complex.  On September 11, 2001.  How come I did not remember that?  I have a good memory, what the hell?

I started doing some research, and digging some more.  It was not too long before I had to reach the conclusion that many before me, and many after me have made, WE ARE NOT THE GOOD GUYS.  For many, I mean a lot of people, they cannot wrap their heads around that foundation of fact.

That is hard pill to swallow.  There will always be a segment of the population that will never believe that we can wear the black hat. That we are the bank robbers, and the murderers.  My transformation took some time.  I cant exactly recall the day, but when I saw "Loose Change", I had turned totally to the good side of the Force.  The Force was strong, and the Dark Side had its players too.  The Dark Side flows with evil from the core of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and many others.  The dark side had the one tangible item that we could never get, the podium in White House Press Room.  That is a powerful place to disseminate any information that fits your needs, good and evil.

I truly believe that all of us has the capability of "waking up" so to speak.  It just takes the right seed, planted at the right time, and proper amount of nurturing. Too many people watch the mainstream media, and take what they say as gospel.  I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone say, " well, O'Reilly said that....." and to them the word of O'Reilly and Limbaugh is the end all be all, for you, I feel so sorry.

Each and every one of us needs that seed to be planted.  Whether it is a phrase, a picture, a video, a smell, an action, it doesn't matter. For me it was a link at Reddit.  I took it from there.  I have compiled a notebook so loaded with September 11th information, I have had two people tell me, I should write a book about it. I don't have the patience or the skill for that.  I do not let many people read that notebook, it is private to me, and a very good glimpse into how I collect and analyse information. That is not the big deal unto itself, its just that there is a lot of good info, some of which has been scrubbed from the Internet, that's a fact. On a separate note, I would like to thank John C. Dvorak for the amazing tip of "save as" on a website with info that you feel might get scrubbed, instead of bookmarking and then getting the 404 error.

  I will share one powerful bit of information about 9/11 with you.  Whether you believe me or not, its up to you.  I will tell you the three words I use most often, "LOOK IT UP".  When you are finished reading this, if you have a seed planted, outstanding. If not, then there might be a seed in your future.

On another topic, I have been pondering about the Snowden NSA revelations and all that has transpired.  I believe this is the tip of the iceberg.  There are some bombshells coming down the pike, just a feeling.  This all could have been avoided if those in power just adhered to a simple principle, The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights guaranteed to each and every American citizen.  It is so simple, so pure, that I constantly amazed that those in power are always trying to circumvent and destroy its contents.  The drafters and signers of this amazing document really meant it. They put the freedom of speech and press as the First Amendment for a reason.

If the employees of government agencies just followed this, and another good principle, treat others how you want to be treated, then none of this would have happened.  If the nameless NSA geeks sitting at their terminals going through the endless stream of data, had at any time considered how they would feel if their private lives were being scrutinized and picked apart by nameless people in another room, how would they feel?  That's how we feel now.  We are innocent, we are people, and we have rights.

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