I have been pondering some mind bending possibilities about the mainstream news media (MSNM) in the last few days. More so, in light of the revelations that they all found some level of morality in respect to the 911 recordings of Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.
The very mention of morality in the MSNM in the same sentence is laughable at best. These are the same compromised news outlets that allow the government to promote any sort of propaganda it seems fit to, and do not ask any questions that the people would like answered. Go ahead Mr. President, just lie to us, and we will spew forth that lie.
These MSNM show Paul Walker's death over and over, the car blowing up, with him and the driver inside, as another story. What about his family?
These are the same MSNM networks that will show airplanes flying into skyscrapers. What do think happened to all those "innocent victims" when the planes hit? Did they not exist? What about their families?
These are the same MSNM outlets that showed the inside of Columbine High School when that massacre happened.
These MSNM networks show deaths by the thousands in the "Shock and Awe" spectacle when Baghdad was being blown to bits. Do you not think that all those innocent men, women, and children deserved some respect? Oh, no, I forget, they have brown skin, and their country sits on oil.
I could go on an on about the sheer hypocrisy these MSNM put out over the airwaves everyday, but I think you get the point.
These (sorry kids) fucking assholes in the role of producers for MSNM are the scum of the earth. The only reason they portend to not play the Sandy Hook AUDIO recording is for ratings. They are trying to hype what is on the recordings. I have listened to them. I have one overriding question after hearing them.
I sent an email to Channel WFSB 3, asking about the DNA problems in THE STATES OWN REPORT, The reply was from a nameless individual at WFSB , "how dare you question anything about Sandy Hook. 20 Children died, I cant believe I have to answer email" When I asked if the nameless sender had read the report, I got no reply.
Who the hell is Rick Thorne? Why is this the first time we have heard his name, instead of that creepy Simon Bar Sinister dude, Gene Rosen. I am dating myself with the Underdog reference, but look up Simon, you will know what I mean.
Where has Rick Thorne been hiding for a year? Does he even exist? How come all the recordings have this air of "calm" about them?
It is not so much about what we see on the MSNM, its what we do not see, and worst of all, what the MSNM does not demand that we see?
- How about the "alleged" LAX shooter's manifesto/note from his backpack?
- How about the video from LAX of the shooting itself? Correct me if I am wrong here, but don't airports have a boatload of cctv's?
- How about the supposed video of the Boston Marathon bombers dropping their backpacks in the garbage bins?
- How about the truth about Christoper Dorner? What a crock of shit they made up when he died? Lets see, they found his wallet twice, in two locations, he killed himself, the tear gas containers started a fire, yet the weapons found were in pristine condition.
- How about the fact that no serial numbered piece of any airplane was ever recovered from the Pentagon on 9/11? We were told that 100 tons of metal, luggage, seats, and titanium engines weighing 6 tons a piece "evaporated", yet, somehow, the DNA of every passenger was identified. Who makes this shit up?
- How about the death of Phil Marshall? Look that up. This stinks to high heaven.
- How did the DNA from a victim in the Sandy Hook School get inside the home of Adam Lanza?
- How did the DNA of a Sandy Hook victim get on the gun that was found in his car? This gun NEVER went in the school?
- How about the supposed killing of OBL? How come a small cadre of reporters on the level of say, John Pilger were not allowed to witness the body, before it was supposedly dumped in the ocean?
- How about the fact that the "war on drugs" is a scam? How can the U.S. military be in Afghanistan for 12 years, and in 2013 they broke their record for opium exports to $970 BILLION DOLLARS? How is that even remotely possible? (well, the CIA does help)
- How about Clapper lying to Congress? How about Alexander lying about the NSA spying? How about Hayden lying about stealing our data?
- How about a 47 story skyscraper that falls into its own footprint? On any other day this would be the story of the year, but on 9/11 it is ignored. When citizens start to question it, we are mocked as "conspiracy theorists". How many other steel frame skyscrapers have collapsed before or after 9/11? NONE.
- How about the fact that our Attorney General cannot answer simple questions about "Fast and Furious" gun running operations, conducted by U.S. government?
- These people should be in jail for crimes against the Constitution.
- How about Holder not being able to answer questions about the NSA blackmailing members of congress, and illegally spying on activist groups?
- Have you looked up at the skies lately? The vast amount of Chemtrails is astounding. The MSNM is so silent on this topic, it is criminal. I took the photo below last week. The sky was crystal clear only one hour prior to this. If you zoom in, you can see the planes spraying chemicals. It is a panoramic photo, hence, the straight chemtrails look curved. Sorry, it was the only way to capture the magnitude of the spraying and sky.
What in the world are they spraying"
These are but a few of the questions that the MSNM has never asked the powers that be, to explain. It is a crime, pure and simple. And for anyone in that industry to go on the air and talk about their high morality is criminal.
Gitmo Gil
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