I am challenging the internet, I am challenging you. I am going after the power. I am going to ask the questions on Twitter, I am going to email the idiots who have run this country in the ground. I am going to call them on the phone for interviews. I am citizen journalist #1. Does anyone else want to join my club? There is strength in numbers. I hope you do, but if you don't, I am still doing this. Its not going to be easy, but I HAVE TO DO THIS. I OWE IT TO MY KIDS TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. I am sick of getting screwed, how about you?
Email me here
Just be passionate, write from the heart, in what you believe. Thats all I am doing, but now with purpose, I have no idea what the future will bring, but I have broken the chains of "WHY", and saying "WHY NOT"
Full disclosure- I work in two group homes, with autistic adults, 7 days a week, and I am going to do this in all my free time. I am just getting by,but this is something that is bursting out, and I am incredibly passionate about this, for my future.
I have not fully developed it yet, but I can feel this incredible sense of need on my part to write about what I see, or I should say, what I do not see. I do not see a mainstream news channel that tell me the one thing I want to know, the truth.
I do not see a press that asks the questions to power that I demand they do. I see a national press corp that wants access, and is scared that if they ask the wrong question, they will get the boot. I am not scared to ask the hard questions, I have asked them on twitter, so I know that they have seen the questions. They are all accountable to us.
Where to start? I have a topic that we can sink our teeth into. I believe it is one of the core problems in the country,
I think it is morally and fiscally wrong for anyone make a profit off the misery of others. When there is a segment of the population in this country, who MAKE MONEY ON PRISON OCCUPANCY QUOTAS, WE HAVE TRULY LOST OUR WAY. THESE ASSHOLES ACTUALLY PREFER THE CRIME RATES TO GO UP. SICKENING.
We must expose the police, the judges, the corporations, the system that makes money on misery. There have been judges and police who are already in jail for accepting bribes for quotas. I know, the irony is delicious.
You might have noticed that this country is in trouble. If you have not noticed, stop reading my blog, now, move along, nothing to see here. If you want to help me, start your own blog, write with passion and feeling, it helps.
I do not see a system of government that is representative of me. I do not see a foreign policy that I am proud of. How is that for a start. I do have some targets in my proverbial scope, that I will go after. I do have a purpose. If after a while you like this, thanks, if not, does not matter to me, I'm still doing it.
I think it is wrong to kill wedding parties in Yemen. The killing of innocent people, whether they are Americans, or Afghans, or people of Yemen, is wrong, and must be stopped.
I am well aware that not all topics are going to be gangbusters, but I want to make a stand, and I want to do the right thing. That means, I will not be silent anymore.
On a much lighter note, here is a blurb about...
For that matter, what should be "truth tv", reality programming is to reality, as what the public is to privacy, none.
I am not talking about some pie in the sky ideal, not some esoteric terminology that we all want to strive for, I am talking about what your mom and dad demanded from you when you were 5, just tell me the truth.
It is something so simple, yet we have become a nation of idiots, and it really is our fault. I can give you an example that typifies what the media does to us, and when the truth is presented, we applaud.
I mentioned to my lovely lady friend, who is a big fan of "American Pickers", a couple of weeks ago about the "coming out" of the two hosts,Mike and Frank. My lady friend wondered not only why they did it, but to what end? This is where I sort of went on a small tangent. I am not a reality show watcher by any stretch of the imagination. I am not a TV watcher much at all. I do not have cable, but I am aware of what goes on in the world. I have a Roku, and receive many channels, commercial free, I might add.
I sort of explained my rational that the two of them coming out, is probably a big relief to Mike and Frank. They can be who they are. My other naive point(not really) is, should not reality shows actually present some semblance of reality? I am well aware that many reality shows are quite scripted, like the NEWS(LOL), but at the minimum, these two guys, should at least be able to be themselves on their own REALITY SHOW. There will probably be some segment of the population who will not watch the show now because of a gay (no, not a grammatical error). You people(bigots) know who you are. In the long run, this will establish a trust with the audience, I believe.
Maybe, for the first time in reality show programming, there is some reality going on. Well done, Mike and Frank.
Where to start? I have a topic that we can sink our teeth into. I believe it is one of the core problems in the country,
I think it is morally and fiscally wrong for anyone make a profit off the misery of others. When there is a segment of the population in this country, who MAKE MONEY ON PRISON OCCUPANCY QUOTAS, WE HAVE TRULY LOST OUR WAY. THESE ASSHOLES ACTUALLY PREFER THE CRIME RATES TO GO UP. SICKENING.
We must expose the police, the judges, the corporations, the system that makes money on misery. There have been judges and police who are already in jail for accepting bribes for quotas. I know, the irony is delicious.
You might have noticed that this country is in trouble. If you have not noticed, stop reading my blog, now, move along, nothing to see here. If you want to help me, start your own blog, write with passion and feeling, it helps.
I do not see a system of government that is representative of me. I do not see a foreign policy that I am proud of. How is that for a start. I do have some targets in my proverbial scope, that I will go after. I do have a purpose. If after a while you like this, thanks, if not, does not matter to me, I'm still doing it.
I think it is wrong to kill wedding parties in Yemen. The killing of innocent people, whether they are Americans, or Afghans, or people of Yemen, is wrong, and must be stopped.
I am well aware that not all topics are going to be gangbusters, but I want to make a stand, and I want to do the right thing. That means, I will not be silent anymore.
On a much lighter note, here is a blurb about...
For that matter, what should be "truth tv", reality programming is to reality, as what the public is to privacy, none.
I am not talking about some pie in the sky ideal, not some esoteric terminology that we all want to strive for, I am talking about what your mom and dad demanded from you when you were 5, just tell me the truth.
It is something so simple, yet we have become a nation of idiots, and it really is our fault. I can give you an example that typifies what the media does to us, and when the truth is presented, we applaud.
I mentioned to my lovely lady friend, who is a big fan of "American Pickers", a couple of weeks ago about the "coming out" of the two hosts,Mike and Frank. My lady friend wondered not only why they did it, but to what end? This is where I sort of went on a small tangent. I am not a reality show watcher by any stretch of the imagination. I am not a TV watcher much at all. I do not have cable, but I am aware of what goes on in the world. I have a Roku, and receive many channels, commercial free, I might add.
I sort of explained my rational that the two of them coming out, is probably a big relief to Mike and Frank. They can be who they are. My other naive point(not really) is, should not reality shows actually present some semblance of reality? I am well aware that many reality shows are quite scripted, like the NEWS(LOL), but at the minimum, these two guys, should at least be able to be themselves on their own REALITY SHOW. There will probably be some segment of the population who will not watch the show now because of a gay (no, not a grammatical error). You people(bigots) know who you are. In the long run, this will establish a trust with the audience, I believe.
Maybe, for the first time in reality show programming, there is some reality going on. Well done, Mike and Frank.
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