The obvious day for me would be November 22, 1963, and lets say 6:am. To have to the chance to chronicle the assassination or even stop the murder of the President would be a chance of a lifetime. How would you stop it? Would you try to stop it?
How would you warn the President that his murder will happen? You would sound like a loon, and then, when it did happen, the cuffs would be on you in a heartbeat. What could you do? You only have 6 hours or so to think of something. No Cell phone, no internet, what could you do?
- Phone in a death threat?
- Create a disturbance along the motorcade route?
- Stop the Presidents plane from taking off or landing?
- Create a false flag event somewhere else?
- Shoot and kill the the men who shot JFK.
- Get the police to go to the Grassy Knoll before the motorcade gets there?
- Hang a banner on the overpass in Dealy Plaza and letting the conspirators know that the jig is up?
Or, do you go there and get a first hand account of the assassination? The opportunity to witness the most talked about murder in history would be something most people would sign up for in a second.
But, say you did go back, and for the sake of the conversation you could stop the assassination.
What would the ramifications be of that intervening? Would you exist? What if your parents got together at a candle light vigil for the slain President. If that vigil never happened, the possibilities spin out of control. You would have to be almost invisible as a bystander to history. The what ifs are almost too much to comprehend. Take a hit of acid and ponder the future history.
Say the assassination never happened. The string on history on your timeline is now eliminated. Kennedy lives, No LBJ, Vietnam does not happen, the CIA is gone, I really do not see a downside to those those events not happening. But like anything else, there is always a downside, and twisted version of events that spiral in their own galaxy of time. I think that if Kennedy lived, not everything would be perfect, but I do believe it would be better. What many people have no idea about is the fact that for a year before he was killed, JFK and Nikita Khrushchev had been exchanging private letters. The previous year, both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. had brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. They both vowed that it would never happen again. To that end, they both started writing personal letters to each other, and nobody knew about it, except for the limited and trusted couriers. This is all documented in the amazing book "JFK and the Unspeakable". What a different world it would be if there was not that ever present threat from both super powers. The vast amount of money spent on the military and the development of nuclear weapons and other projects in the massive "military industrial complex" could be siphoned into social programs, infrastructure, investment in business, and in people, instead of figuring out how to best kill and destroy.. That money could have been spent on finding other sources of energy, solar energy, green technology, the list is endless.
That is just from going back to one specific day. Who knows, maybe our time now, is the past for a future that has already been written,, and there are time jumpers who are attempting to right the incredible wrongs that our government and others are totally screwing up today. Just a thought.
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