Tuesday, October 1, 2013

But, But, We Can't Shut Down the NSA- Absurdity Reigns

Yea, Not only was Edward Snowden right, he was understating just how "snooping" was going on. Isn't that an interesting word, snooping.  Let go to the book of knowledge:

Snooping-To pry into the affairs of others, especially by prowling about.
Spying- One who secretly keeps watch on another or others.

The word snooping has been used quite frequently by the mainstream media in relation to what the NSA has been doing to us.  They are tying together chains of social Internet interactions, with real world relationships.  William Binney, a whistle blower from a few years ago warned us about this.  The big money is for the coding that can go and data mine all this information quickly and correctly.  That is why the phrase "I have nothing to hide" is ever so important. Because at some point everyone will have something they want to hide, and will never know where this ties that bind them to some crime or sordid affair can come from. 

Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, the NSA knows just about everything.

But Wait, the government theater of the absurd really just started today. Is the NSA shutdown? I think not, as a matter of fact that brand spanking new SPYING CENTER IN UTAH going full bore, spying on the NSA's adversaries, which, if you are not aware is us.  That right, keep on spying on us slaves of Gitmo Nation. 

In the real absurd news of government shutdowns today, the White House website has this delightful message posted on the contact page.

The hero of the day award goes to Jamie Oliver, who proved in court that McDonald's burgers are not fit for human consumption.

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