Monday, October 7, 2013

Really Tucker, Really?

The fact that Fox News fell for a story written by The Onion News, does not surprise me one bit. It is not the first time, nor will it be the last.

But, to hear Tucker Carlson make the following statement, "the government is acting as your enemy, has this ever happened before?" 

Tucker, when was the last time that the government has not acted like our enemy?  We can go back in history and find instances of the feds treating the citizenry as enemy combatants in all places in society.  How about the FBI taking direction from Wall Street bankers to spy, intimidate, and assassinate members of the Occupy movement?

How about the abuse of powers by the IRS for investigating minorities, and the middle class because they are less likely to hire expensive lawyers and accountants? 

How about instilling fear and intimidation for protesting against those abuses?

How about the NSA treating all citizens as enemies which has been well documented my many reported and writers including this awesome article by John C. Dvorak.

Tucker, wake the hell up, this has been going on for quite some time, maybe, just maybe this is the first time the government has treated people like yourself as the enemy?

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