There have been many books published, movies and films made on that subject, and even the "experts" have no idea the exact nature of crime. I could go into the facts and explanations and bore you death, but I will not, the only people who believe in the "lone gunman" theory are the ones who like to bury their heads in the sand, and say that everything is ok. I firmly believe that if he had lived, then this country would be a far better place. If there is one book I can get you to read it would be JFK and the Unspeakable. When you are done reading that, you will not only have most of the information you need, but you will be mad. Folks, things are not ok.
Things are very far from ok.
November 22, 1963 is probably the most important day in the history of this country, if not the world. That was the day that "they" figured out "they" could get away with anything "they" want. That was a day that a murder was committed on the worlds stage, with all the actors in place, all the evidence in place, and still 50 years later, it is the biggest unsolved crime in history. You have to wonder why? You must ask yourself why has this crime not been solved? Once you can figure out that question, and its far reaching implications, then you feel the tug of reality nipping at your heels. You see, what is going on all around is is not reality, it is a charade, it is grand play, a hoax on the masses. Who do I blame? Who do I hold accountable? To answer that question I would need to read documentation that is sealed and will never be put into the public domain. Yes, that's right, there are hundreds of thousands of documents that will never see the light of day. If you doubt me on that, I will use the three words I use the most these days "look it up."
That one statement alone should be a shock to the system, that one statement should get you mad, it should enrage you not as a citizen of this once great country, but as a human being. Think about that, someone decided that "we" are too stupid, to naive to handle the truth. Yep, that is what "they" think about us. I am so sick of elites and those in power just coming to that conclusion we the people just take it up the ass. How different this world would be if we had the information, and could make sound decisions based on honest facts.
I know, there I go again, living in a polyanna world. Think about that, what if we had the information that could change the world? Believe you me, those in power just want to do two thing, get more power, and stay in power. There is no reason for them to release information about the JFK murder, about Roswell, about the true evil that is the Bush family. I could drop a couple of things about the Bush's that would absolutely blow your mind.
You would not believe it, so why bother. But I just cant stop myself tonight, it must be the caffeine. Did you know that Poppy Bush41 and John Hinckley Sr. were very good friends? Must be one hell of a coincidence that Hinckley Jr tried to kill Poppy41 boss. Look it up. And guess who was in Dallas on November 22, 1963? Yep, you guessed it Poppy 41. Though he tried to give himself an alibi, by calling the FBI to tell them he was somewhere else. What a coincidence. I am firmly convinced that the evil Bush family is one of the greatest blights on this country. They truly are the face of evil. Go ahead and look up Prescott Bush and his relation to another evil bastard, his good friend Adolph Hitler.
I do not have the ability to make this shit up.
I know that over the years I have been very angry. There are those in power who feel that "we" are too stupid and weak to know the truth about that day. This secret has been a cancer to the country for 50 years. As we come up on another anniversary, we will hear the same shit, the same thing from the seats in power, how that day was so tragic, and that we must come to grips with this. I say bullshit. I say "fuck you" to those in power. We the people need to find out the secrets that have been hidden in the shadows, probably in some boxes at the bottom of a chasm that we will never reach. That is our shame. That is our guilt. I have this feeling that many people do not even want to know what happened, and that pisses me off to no end. It is always hindsight that is 20/20. The mere fact that this horrible event happened almost 50 years ago should wake us up to the abuses in power that are happening today. Have we all lost our souls? Have we all succumbed to taking the easy way out? I think so.
Lets just go back to the Poppy shall we. You want to see the true face of evil, Poppy wanted his was, and by god he was going to get it. So just like his mentally challenged son, he turned to the powers on Madison Avenue to create the hoax heard around the world. His buddies at Hill and Knowlton created a great marketing campaign. He could also rely on the ever so compromised media not to ask any questions to power, and lo and behold, we got "incubator babies" put into our lexicon. I have placed the video here, because I want you to remember one thing, it is all lies, not some of it, all of it. This begs me to ask that question, how different our world would be, if those in power were forced to be honest?
The fact that that those in power slander and ridicule anyone who throws questions to such perceived power should wake up everyone. Here is the one line that gets thrown in my face all the time, "you must be some conspiracy theorist". I take that as a compliment nowadays. You see, if you go back and look up facts about the Warren Commission Report, we now know that many people lied under oath, and that many of the "facts at that time" were wrong. So how do we deal with this, shut up slave, move along. And we being the meek slaves that we are, just shut up and move along. When are we going to stand up and make ourselves heard? Probably now, because the NSA has all our phone calls, all our emails, all of the facebook posts, all the text messages, EVERYTHING!!
Being the meek slaves, we are ok with that. I am not ok with this. I am pissed off. The NSA has no right to be in my bedroom. Many years ago I put a sticker over the webcam on my laptop. I was called crazy, and paranoid. A little while later it was revealed that the Philadelphia schools system was spying on students through the webcams in their Macbooks.
Just a few weeks ago, it came out in the compromised press, that the NSA has been regularly snooping into the webcams of anyone they want to. Here is something you do not know, before all the Snowden documents made it to the front pages, all the information contained in those slides was presented to the NSA who said that there was really nothing of consequence in them. The NSA gave the OK to release it. Thats right, The Guardian was given the go ahead by the NSA to release it. The question I ask is this, since this Snowden affair is the distraction, what is the big story that they do not want us to know about?
Things are not ok... it was once said that you should not put anything into an email that you did not want on the front page of the once great New York Times. Now we can change that to emails, texts, posts,phone calls, and hell, probably even thoughts. Yes, there are ways... But The New York Times has been corrupted at the core just like all the other mainstream media outlets. It is quite disgusting trying to find the truth about anything these days. Is there a news outlet that you trust? This has made me realize what is important in life. It made me demand more of those around me, it made me demand that those in power be responsible for their illegal and immoral actions against us. I use the word "us" , because like it or not we are all in this together.
Unless you are totally in denial, then you must have realized that the powers that be, and the media have done a wonderful job of dividing and conquering us. They make all of us take different side to insanely trite issues, and blow us up. This is a disgrace, but we sheeple just go along with this. Baaaaaa.
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