Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Historical Fiction?

I am conflicted tonight.  Someone I once admired and respected showed himself to be very close minded.  I was listening to TWIG, This Week in Google on the TWIT Network.  Jeff Jarvis was talking about this past week and the 9/11 ceremonies.  While he was waxing poetic about the scenery, he mentioned the "9/11 nut jobs" across the street. Does Mr. Jarvis know about the massive cover-up withing the CIA regarding information intentionally being suppressed? Lets have a listen with two film makers and Richard Clarke. This is quite fascinating.

I like to think I am open minded.  We all have our beliefs, and those can be an asset or a liability.  Jeff Jarvis is a professor at NYU. He is supposed to shape young minds, inspire, teach, and be a beacon for his students.  For him to categorically put a label on anyone for having a difference of opinion, and calling them "nut jobs", is abhorrent. Does Mr. Jarvis ignore polls that show more and more Americans questioning the official story? Ben Swann opened his mind.

I would wager that a student of his who is well informed and passionate about their beliefs about 9/11 has shared with Jeff their differing view. Did Jeff call that student a "nut job"? Did Jeff categorically castigate that student to the dummy corner? Or as a professor, did Jeff tell that student to research more, learn as much as he/she could about the real facts of 9/11?  Mr. Jarvis, please watch the short clips below, you might actually learn to accept dissent.

Does Mr. Jarvis know about the hundreds of fire fighters and police officers who reported hearing explosives in WTC 1 & 2.

Does Mr. Jarvis know about the BBC and CNN reporting of Building 7 collapsing a full 20 minutes early?

Does Mr. Jarvis know about the impossible collapse of Building 7?

Does Mr. Jarvis know about Secretary of State Kerry admitting Building 7 was a demolition?

Does Mr. Jarvis know about the squibs ejecting debris at 1000 mph?

These are just a few examples that at the very least, call into the question the validity of the "official" story.

Does Mr. Jarvis believe the story the government gave us?  Mr. Cheney would never lie, right? I mean the whole story about 9/11 and the connection to Iraq proved right.. sorry, that was a lie.

 The story about Iraq having WMD was right. sorry, that was a lie also.  Surely when Colin Powell went in front of the UN with the vial of chemical/biological agents that was the truth?  Sorry, lying again.

Surely they would never lie about an American hero getting killed in Afghanistan right? Sorry, they exploited Pat Tillman until they got caught.

The government would never plan to kill citizens and blame someone else just to get us into war? D'oh, I forgot about Operation Northwoods and the Gulf on Tonkin.

So why would they lie about 9/11?  I can give you $$ billions if not $$trillions of rea$sons. 

I too was suckered into the official story for 3-4 years, then I started to do what many others did, I learned !!

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