This post is about "what can we do?" and "what we can do?" Those are two similar yet very different questions.
They are very complex questions on many levels. I will try to tackle them the best I can.
The vast distribution of wealth in the US is quite shocking, take a peak at the video here.
What can we do? to stop the ever growing surge of corporatism? For those of you who are not aware of this term, here is the definition:
Corporatism: the control of a state or organization by large interest groups.
Anyone with a bit of common sense is well aware of just how much "big money" influences our elected officials. I will start here with the enormous amount of cash from mega corporations that flow to Washington DC.
You and I cannot even fathom the corruption and corporatism that is so rampant and pervasive, and built into the "system. I cannot say with enough authority that this is where we have to start to effect change, but it would definitely be on the top 10 list. This is a complex issue, but in order to change it at all, the corporations must not be allowed tobribe donate money to our congress. It would literally take an act of congress, and since they are bought and paid for my these corporations, that will not happen. What a twisted web of deceit and deception.
That being said, our congressmen when they are not stuffing their pockets with cash, sometimes do listen to the people. I have the website to the Senate and Congress as well as the White House, as default home pages on my browser. I try to write them every day, in the short term, it makes me feel better, in the long term, like anything else, there will be many letters from me, and their sycophants must delete them all. I do think it is very important to remember the first amendment.
What can we do?
Find out which corporations are paying the most money to your congressman and make a concerted effort not to put any money in their pockets. The answer is much easier than the actual implementation of that strategy. But, you can do it. Believe it or not, boycotts do work. The reason they fail though, is that the people do not have the determination to follow through with a boycott, I have a few things that I do to make a difference. Its not much, but my conscience is clear. I do not put one penny in the pockets of Exxon/Mobile. Exxon is waiting for people to die in Alaska so they can pay a few dollars less on the Exxon Valdez tanker spill back in 1989. There is a class action lawsuit that they lost to the citizens in Alaska, they still have not paid for the damage they did.
They have fought at every turn to not pay anything to the citizens that were harmed or killed by this spill. As a matter of fact they have fought at every turn to pay for their crimes. This is so sickening to me, but what makes me upset is that no one cares. If only 10% of the people woke up and stopped using Exxon, believe me, they would take notice. But, they can afford to hire big public relation firms, advertising agencies to make you believe they are the most virtuous companies on the planet.
In July of 2010, the Deep Water Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico decimated the southern coast. The long term exposure of the spill as well as the Corexit they used to "clean" it up will be felt for the foreseeable future. They were negligent on the rig, on the clean up, and the cover-up of the spill and clean-up. How is that for a tongue twister. I dare you to watch the "The Big Fix" documentary and go to BP for a fill up. My brother and I have talked quite a bit about with these purely evil corporations, you have to basically pick the lesser of the evils. Is there a bright shining beacon of hope? I do not know? But at least I do know about the true evil of those two.
Is there a company or product that you boycott for whatever reason? I would like to hear your comments.
So to wrap up this part of the conversation, yes, there are things we can do. I have found two reporters that appear to me to not have been co-opted. Jeremy Scahill, and John Pilger.. I am sure there are others, if there are, I sure would like to hear about them. I am going to leave those two gentlemen for the third part of my conversation, coming soon.
I do have a question for you, dear reader. If you could wave a magic wand and make things better, what would you do?
The vast distribution of wealth in the US is quite shocking, take a peak at the video here.
What can we do? to stop the ever growing surge of corporatism? For those of you who are not aware of this term, here is the definition:
Corporatism: the control of a state or organization by large interest groups.
Anyone with a bit of common sense is well aware of just how much "big money" influences our elected officials. I will start here with the enormous amount of cash from mega corporations that flow to Washington DC.
You and I cannot even fathom the corruption and corporatism that is so rampant and pervasive, and built into the "system. I cannot say with enough authority that this is where we have to start to effect change, but it would definitely be on the top 10 list. This is a complex issue, but in order to change it at all, the corporations must not be allowed to
That being said, our congressmen when they are not stuffing their pockets with cash, sometimes do listen to the people. I have the website to the Senate and Congress as well as the White House, as default home pages on my browser. I try to write them every day, in the short term, it makes me feel better, in the long term, like anything else, there will be many letters from me, and their sycophants must delete them all. I do think it is very important to remember the first amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The above mentioned amendment seems to have been lost on the people here. There could be many factors, but what I see the mos,t is apathy. That is EXACTLY what the government wants. I can recall a couple years ago, when the "Arab spring" was happening half way around the world. The President went on television and was congratulating the Arabs for exercising their right to free speech and protest. At the same time our president and the corporations that pull his strings were shutting down the "Occupy" movement HERE! What a fucking hypocrite. He encourages free speech everywhere but here. There is a new term is the American lexicon ever since 9/11. I find this as hard to believe as you do but "free speech zones" are real, and a very scary precedent. Again, I refer to the first amendment, CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW. That is that. They are illegal.
What can we do?
When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.-Thomas Jefferson.
To me, that is the central question. How do we get the government to fear us?
I believe in my heart that there is going to be an event, a situation, something is going to happen, that is going to be the "no turning back" moment for the people. I wish I had a crystal ball to predict that moment, but my worst fear is that people are going to die, for that to happen. I do know that there is one thing, one event that can bring down the whole house of cards.
If there was any real investigation of Building 7, that could be the proverbial card that starts the house tumbling until what is left is, in shambles. How do we accomplish that? WE MUST PUT PRESSURE ON THE GOVERNMENT, OUR CONGRESS, OUR SENATE, AND BE RELENTLESS. Being relentless is the problem. Our leaders and corporations, they think of the long game, they think about things in blocks of decades. We the people must live our lives, and worry about paying the mortgage, rent, going to work, taking care of our kids, paying bill, yada, yada, it is VERY DIFFICULT TO SUSTAIN THE RELENTLESS PRESSURE.
This Building 7 is the key, if we took to the streets, if we put relentless pressure on all elected officials, and by pressure, I mean, bombard them with every thing, mail, email, mass protests, television documentaries, banners everywhere, mainstream media, and kept this pressure on, then something would happen. I believe that in my heart. This is not the ONLY thing that the government fears, this would be a pressure point that would get quick attention. They cannot explain how a 47 story skyscraper fell at free fall speed. Its that simple. This is the key. I would suggest a great place to start would be going to the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth website and take a look at the information there.
I am a parent, and I am very fearful of the country that I am going to leave to my kids. We always hear the words, I want my kids to have it better than I did. Do you honestly think that is true nowadays? The statement might be true, but the reality is a whole different issue.
What we can do?
What can we do? Stop paying attention to media distractions. Where to begin on this one? hmmmm... Lets start with the complicity of the media to keep us not only distracted but apathetic as well. Everyone needs some entertainment, but the media has quite successfully figured out how to distract us from what is truly important. Our fascination with the Kardashians, and Honey Boo Boo and people of that ill, it to me quite frankly, fucking embarrassing. I couple of years ago Jesse Ventura was on with Geraldo Rivera. I had heard that when Jesse showed a clip of WTC 7 collapsing in its own footprint, it was the first time that had been on television since 9/11. Now whether that was exactly accurate, I am not sure, but I can tell you I had not seen it on television, and I do pay attention.
From where I sit it certainly does appear that corporations and the elites of the US have the upper hand, that has how its been since the start, and I personally see no end in sight. The best "we", and I say we, because I am in the lower middle class, and I would gather that my readership, and I do thank you for reading, is in the same boat I am. I do wonder if there are any elites who read my little rants, if you do, I would be curious to hear your point of view.
What can we do?
Find out which corporations are paying the most money to your congressman and make a concerted effort not to put any money in their pockets. The answer is much easier than the actual implementation of that strategy. But, you can do it. Believe it or not, boycotts do work. The reason they fail though, is that the people do not have the determination to follow through with a boycott, I have a few things that I do to make a difference. Its not much, but my conscience is clear. I do not put one penny in the pockets of Exxon/Mobile. Exxon is waiting for people to die in Alaska so they can pay a few dollars less on the Exxon Valdez tanker spill back in 1989. There is a class action lawsuit that they lost to the citizens in Alaska, they still have not paid for the damage they did.
They have fought at every turn to not pay anything to the citizens that were harmed or killed by this spill. As a matter of fact they have fought at every turn to pay for their crimes. This is so sickening to me, but what makes me upset is that no one cares. If only 10% of the people woke up and stopped using Exxon, believe me, they would take notice. But, they can afford to hire big public relation firms, advertising agencies to make you believe they are the most virtuous companies on the planet.
In July of 2010, the Deep Water Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico decimated the southern coast. The long term exposure of the spill as well as the Corexit they used to "clean" it up will be felt for the foreseeable future. They were negligent on the rig, on the clean up, and the cover-up of the spill and clean-up. How is that for a tongue twister. I dare you to watch the "The Big Fix" documentary and go to BP for a fill up. My brother and I have talked quite a bit about with these purely evil corporations, you have to basically pick the lesser of the evils. Is there a bright shining beacon of hope? I do not know? But at least I do know about the true evil of those two.
Is there a company or product that you boycott for whatever reason? I would like to hear your comments.
So to wrap up this part of the conversation, yes, there are things we can do. I have found two reporters that appear to me to not have been co-opted. Jeremy Scahill, and John Pilger.. I am sure there are others, if there are, I sure would like to hear about them. I am going to leave those two gentlemen for the third part of my conversation, coming soon.
I do have a question for you, dear reader. If you could wave a magic wand and make things better, what would you do?
Very interesting read. I totally relate to the feeling of being angry and upset about the state of our nation. I also admire all that you are trying to communicate about how to help. I find it very difficult to make myself believe that there is anything to be done. Most days I feel very cynical and almost apathetic about anything ever changing in the grand scheme of things. However, I am encouraged anew each day when I realize that the small things can help make life bearable. Yes it would be wonderful and fantastic if we could bring about social change and people's perceptions could be expanded beyond what the media feeds them. However, for me at least, until that day comes, the small things like moments with those you love, a beer with my dad, a riveting conversation about the nature of reality, helping someone, a stranger smiling at me. I find fulfillment in these things while also trying to maintain hope that all is not lost for our world. As much as I like to see the big picture, too much of it can be depressing and make you forget the beauty right in front of you. Thank you so much for sharing, i'm glad you saw my post on reddit ;)