Sunday, September 29, 2013

I am reminded of this joke... or is it?

Q: Whats the difference between ignorance and apathy?

A: I don't know and I don't care.

As I write this silly little blog, that gains some readers,I recently received a comment from a writer, poet, artist, who has his own blog. In that comment he made a wonderful observation. "helping someone, a stranger smiling at me" I want to first say, thank you for reading, and commenting. 

You sir, are correct. I would also add this to your comment. "helping a stranger".  That does at times appear to be lost in this fast moving day and age. I would like to share an example, this is just a microcosm of the problems that I have see in society at large.

I was going into my regular convenience store last week. Just popping in to pick up some 1/2 & 1/2.  I usually park at the gas pumps, if you  park in the "parking spots" backing up is a pain in the ass. As I got out of my car, there was this older woman, about 70'ish,  I would guess, standing in the front of her car, trying to fiddle with something.   I glanced over, she looked up and she asked me if I knew how to open the hood of her car? I told her that the latch was probably inside the car, and she walked over, opened the door. I showed her the latch, pulled it, and it made that "thunk" noise that we all know.

She then asked If I knew what kind of oil went in the car. I told her that it was usually written on the oil cap. She looked absolutely helpless. I was reminded of my grandmother and her knowledge of automobiles.

 Anyway, I asked the woman if she wanted me to check for her, she nodded yes. Indeed, the cap said "5W-30". She said that her oil light had come on, and she wondered if she needed oil. I went in my car, got a napkin, and checked her oil. She was down, almost to nothing. I suggested she follow me into the store. The clerk "John" said hello(I am a regular) , and I walked to the back of the store and picked up a couple quarts of oil, plus my 1/2&1/2, while the woman stood at the counter.  She paid for the oil, I asked her if she wanted some help putting the oil in, she gave me this smile, and nodded yes. I walked out, poured the oil into her car, checked the dipstick, and she was fine. I told her, that usually there is a leak, if the oil light comes on, all of a sudden.  She then said something that blew my mind, but in retrospect did not. 

She told me " what a nice young man you are, I asked about 10 people for help, and you are the first to help me, thank you so much" I was shocked. The fact that 10 people either did not have the time, or the inclination to help a stranger, it just made me shake my head in disbelief.  Is this where we are as a society? Is this what we have become? Very sad, very sad indeed.

This was confirmed to me a day later, I went into the same store, and John told me what a nice thing I did for that lady last night.  He could not go out to help, he was the only clerk on duty, but yes, she had asked many other people for help, and I was the only one to aid her.

It made me think about things in the bigger picture. I dare you to walk into any store or mall, and look around. I will bet the ranch that you will see most of the "younger" people all with their heads down, hands up, twiddling their fingers on their phones, totally unaware of what is going on around them. It appears that we are so self absorbed in our own little spheres, that we rarely look around at others. Am I wrong? 

Is it only in times of crisis that we help strangers?  

When I was a kid, our family moved, and our new next door neighbors were these two older women, both were in their 70's. When we were moved in, my dad told me and my brother, "you will cut their lawn, you will trim the hedges, and shovel their snow, you will not ask for money" it was the right thing to do. It was all about "duty".  From that point on, whenever we finished those chores, one of the women would call us into the house, and tell us take a couple of dollars, with the caveat " do not tell your father".  It was our little secret. We never took the money. But we would take a cold soda in the summer, or a hot cup of cocoa in the winter, and they would tell us stories out their lives. I wish I could get those simple times back.

If everyone would look around, help someone out, see if that "stranger" is in trouble, what a difference we could make, one small step at a time.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Billionaire's Over Breakfast!!!

Want to become a Billionaire? Create a cereal!!!
I always knew there was money in breakfast, but holy moly, this Documentary will blow you away!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Part 2 of Ongoing Conversation-What Can We Do?

As I wallow again, with too many cups of coffee, Here is the present situation. The middle class is rapidly disappearing.  The worst part about that is, it is going the way of poverty. That's a fact, not speculation. I am wondering about what we can do?  My last post dealt with what is wrong? 
This post is about "what can we do?" and "what we can do?" Those are two similar yet very different questions.
They are very complex questions on many levels. I will try to tackle them the best I can.
The vast distribution of wealth in the US is quite shocking, take a peak at the video here.

What can we do?  to stop the ever growing surge of corporatism? For those of you who are not aware of this term, here is the definition:

Corporatism: the control of a state or organization by large interest groups.
Anyone with a bit of common sense is well aware of just how much "big money" influences our elected officials. I will start here with the enormous amount of cash from mega corporations that flow to Washington DC. 

You and I cannot even fathom the corruption and corporatism that is so rampant and pervasive, and built into the "system.  I cannot say with enough authority that this is where we have to start to effect change, but it would definitely be on the top 10 list. This is a complex issue, but in order to change it at all, the corporations must not be allowed to bribe  donate money to our congress. It would literally take an act of congress, and since they are bought and paid for my these corporations, that will not happen. What a twisted web of deceit and deception.

That being said, our congressmen when they are not stuffing their pockets with cash, sometimes do listen to the people.  I have the website to the Senate and Congress as well as the White House, as default home pages on my browser.  I try to write them every day, in the short term, it makes me feel better, in the long term, like anything else, there will be many letters from me, and their sycophants must delete them all. I do think it is very important to remember the first amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The above mentioned amendment seems to have been lost on the people here.  There could be many factors, but what I see the mos,t is apathy. That is EXACTLY what the government wants.  I can recall a couple years ago, when the "Arab spring" was happening half way around the world. The President went on television and was congratulating the Arabs for exercising their right to free speech and protest. At the same time our president and the corporations that pull his strings were shutting down the "Occupy" movement HERE! What a fucking hypocrite. He encourages free speech everywhere but here.  There is a new term is the American lexicon ever since 9/11. I find this as hard to believe as you do but "free speech zones" are real, and a very scary precedent. Again, I refer to the first amendment, CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW.  That is that. They are illegal. 

What can we do?

When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.-Thomas Jefferson.

To me, that is the central question. How do we get the government to fear us? 
I believe in my heart that there is going to be an event, a situation, something is going to happen, that is going to be the "no turning back" moment for the people.  I wish I had a crystal ball to predict that moment, but my worst fear is that people are going to die, for that to happen. I do know that there is one thing, one event that can bring down the whole house of cards. 

If there was any real investigation of Building 7, that could be the proverbial card that starts the house tumbling until what is left is, in shambles. How do we accomplish that? WE MUST PUT PRESSURE ON THE GOVERNMENT, OUR CONGRESS, OUR SENATE, AND BE RELENTLESS.  Being relentless is the problem.  Our leaders and corporations, they think of the long game, they think about things in blocks of decades. We the people must live our lives, and worry about paying the mortgage, rent, going to work, taking care of our kids, paying bill, yada, yada, it is VERY DIFFICULT TO SUSTAIN THE RELENTLESS PRESSURE. 

This Building 7 is the key, if we took to the streets, if we put relentless pressure on all elected officials, and by pressure, I mean, bombard them with every thing, mail, email, mass protests, television documentaries, banners everywhere, mainstream media, and kept this pressure on, then something would happen. I believe that in my heart.  This is not the ONLY thing that the government fears, this would be a pressure point that would get quick attention. They cannot explain how a 47 story skyscraper fell at free fall speed.  Its that simple. This is the key. I would suggest a great place to start would be going to the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth website and take a look at the information there.

I am a parent, and I am very fearful of the country that I am going to leave to my kids.  We always hear the words, I want my kids to have it better than I did. Do you honestly think that is true nowadays? The statement might be true, but the reality is a whole different issue.

What we can do?

What can we do? Stop paying attention to media distractions.  Where to begin on this one? hmmmm... Lets start with the complicity of the media to keep us not only distracted but apathetic as well.  Everyone needs some entertainment, but the media has quite successfully figured out how to distract us from what is truly important.  Our fascination with the Kardashians, and Honey Boo Boo and people of that ill, it to me quite frankly, fucking embarrassing. I couple of years ago Jesse Ventura was on with Geraldo Rivera. I had heard that when Jesse showed a clip of WTC 7 collapsing in its own footprint, it was the first time that had been on television since 9/11. Now whether that was exactly accurate, I am not sure, but I can tell you I had not seen it on television, and I do pay attention.

From where I sit it certainly does appear that corporations and the elites of the US have the upper hand, that has how its been since the start, and I personally see no end in sight.  The best "we", and I say we, because I am in the lower middle class, and I would gather that my readership, and I do thank you for reading, is in the same boat I am.  I do wonder if there are any elites who read my little rants, if you do, I would be curious to hear your point of view.

 What can we do?

 Find out which corporations are paying the most money to your congressman and make a concerted effort not to put any money in their pockets. The answer is much easier than the actual implementation of that strategy. But, you can do it. Believe it or not, boycotts do work. The reason they fail though, is that the people do not have the determination to follow through with a boycott, I have a few things that I do to make a difference. Its not much, but my conscience is clear. I do not put one penny in the pockets of Exxon/Mobile. Exxon is waiting for people to die in Alaska so they can pay a few dollars less on the Exxon Valdez tanker spill back in 1989.  There is a class action lawsuit that they lost to the citizens in Alaska, they still have not paid for the damage they did. 

They have fought at every turn to not pay anything to the citizens that were harmed or killed by this spill.  As a matter of fact they have fought at every turn to pay for their crimes. This is so sickening to me, but what makes me upset is that no one cares.  If only 10% of the people woke up and stopped using Exxon, believe me, they would take notice.  But, they can afford to hire big public relation firms, advertising agencies to make you believe they are the most virtuous companies on the planet.  

In July of 2010, the Deep Water Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico decimated the southern coast.  The long term exposure of the spill as well as the Corexit they used to "clean" it up will be felt for the foreseeable future. They were negligent on the rig, on the clean up, and the cover-up of the spill and clean-up. How is that for a tongue twister.  I dare you to watch the "The Big Fix" documentary and go to BP for a fill up. My brother and I have talked quite a bit about with these purely evil corporations, you have to basically pick the lesser of the evils.  Is there a bright shining beacon of hope? I do not know?  But at least I do know about the true evil of those two.

Is there a company or product that you boycott for whatever reason? I would like to hear your comments.

So to wrap up this part of the conversation, yes, there are things we can do. I have found two reporters that appear to me to not have been co-opted. Jeremy Scahill, and John Pilger.. I am sure there are others, if there are, I sure would like to hear about them.  I am going to leave those two gentlemen for the third part of my conversation, coming soon.

I do have a question for you, dear reader. If you could wave a magic wand and make things better, what would you do?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Part One- What is wrong?

As Gitmo Gils sits at his desk (yes, he is in the "third person" phase again) He wallows and contemplates what is wrong, what can we do, is there any hope?

In this ongoing conversation, this is Part One. 

What is wrong?

Alas, where to begin? 
Lets start at the quasi local level. I am employed in a field of work that does not pay a lot. I am a caregiver, I am a friend, I am a voice for those unfortunate to not have one. But more importantly, I am a protector, I keep 3 people very safe, very secure and do my best to give them the best that this life can offer. What I do is not most financially rewarding job, nor is it the worst. I have been doing this for over 25 years, and as of the last two performance reviews, I am very, very, good at it.  I can honestly say that the days that I have left work with that "great day" feeling have been the ones where one of my guys, has accomplished something new.  Whether that is figuring out how to call his parents, or building some absolutely amazing structures out of Leggo's , or making a bed my himself, the feeling of a job well done has nothing to do with the amount of money on my paycheck.  

Sadly, that "great day" feeling does not pay the bills, or put gas in the car.  I have thought long and hard about changing my field of work. I did for a few years. I worked for a nursing agency as their computer guy. I loved teaching. One of my responsibilities was training nurses, Physical Therapists, and Occupational Therapists how to use a computer, and the medical software on that PC.  I was so good at my job, I was eliminated when the budget was tightened, and they did not need my services anymore. I knew then end was coming when the phone listing came out, and my name was noticeably absent.  The IT director to her credit, pushed for the agency to keep me in their fold, but in today's world bean counters win.

Now we go back to the fall of 2008, when the "Masters of the Universe" on Wall Street and all their crony banksters were going to lose everything. What happened? The let us slaves pay for it all. Did we get a vote? nope. What was the line that EVERY COMPROMISED MAINSTREAM OUTLET REPORTED?  " Too Big To Fail" that lie was told over and over until many believed it was the truth. If you do not believe me, watch this movie, The Academy Award winning Documentary "Inside Job"

They bailed out each other, gave each other bonuses for screwing all of us, it was sickening, and if you don't think that this country is heading in that direction again, take your blinders off. Out of that major screwing we took, there cam the "Occupy" movement. That grew so much, and became a force to reckon with. So much so that the banksters wanted to hire the FBI to have snipers kill the leaders of the Occupy movement.

Maybe you see where I am heading in this mild prose about my employment history.  There is no money.  There is a gigantic hole somewhere, where if you listen to some, over $60,000,000,000,000 has vanished from the world.  There is a giant sucking sound, and all those greenbacks are flowing there. Trying to figure out "where" that is, well, that is the $60 Trillion dollar question.

Many, including myself would like out leaders in government to be more accountable for their actions, and for how they are spending our money.  When ever a Congressman or Senator questions the Federal Reserve, and demands an audit, they are quickly hushed up and pushed aside. Just ask Ron Paul.

I have always made the analogy to friends that the United States intervention in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the money spent there is almost akin to my friends giving me 28% of their paycheck from here on.  They can do it for a while, but after some time, it is going to affect them in every aspect of their life. The little things in life are going to become more of an expense, and so on.  Folks, that is whats happening to our country. We are being bled dry by a national security state, that is quite frankly, out of fucking control.  We as a people have no concept of the vast amounts of money being spent on our "security".  

As I look at my sub headline on this blog, "Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither", it makes me come to the realization that it has never been more true than what is going on around us these days. We as a people have made the decision that liberty is gone, and a police state is in full force.  The NSA and who the hell know who else, is spying on us, every second of the day. We have various government agencies who are basically at war with each other to get a bigger piece of the pie, and there is no end in sight.  

 If you can't figure out by now that we have been bamboozled and most of all distracted from what is of real importance, then I really do pity you.  You do the math. 30 Million kids in this country go to sleep hungry every night. Go into every store in this country and look where the products are made. 101 Million people rely on food stamps of one sort or another every month.  The actual unemployment number is 23%, not that 8% that is reported by the govt.

But the most telling thing that you cannot ignore is right in front of your face at the grocery store.  Have you noticed how much smaller the containers are for all goods?  That 1/2 gallon of Beyer's ice cream is now 46 oz. This is done by the food companies to try to keep inflation from being noticed by distracted citizenry.  I myself happen to be a Ritz Cracker freak. One year ago a regular box of Ritz was 16 oz. The box I have in my pantry right now, is 13.7 oz, and it costs more, than the 16 oz. box from a year ago.

We have a compromised media that sucks at the teat of big government and will not report on anything of importance.  They will offer up a few sacrificial lambs from time to time, but anything that we NEED to know, that is covered over and evidence destroyed.  When more people care about who wins American Idol than they do about warrant less wiretaps, police corruption, government graft, illegal spying on citizens, then we have truly lost. Lost our way, lost our money, lost our souls, lost our liberty.

The last time I could remember one person actually making a difference for the good was Dr. Martin Luther King. And we do know what happened to him. Like James Earl Ray, and Lee Harvey Oswald, if you think that these men acted alone, well, you are an idiot. J Edgar Hoover had been secretly spying on King, for many years. Of course that only came out after any "real" investigation. 

The forces of evil are so intertwined with the government, and big corporations, that it is going to take an exorcism to eradicate and destroy them. There are so many people in office who only want to get the biggest paycheck, the most power possible.  This is not some conspiratorial rant, this is fact.  In future posts, I will do my best to expose the true evil that I see.  

One of my starting home pages is the contact page for the White House.  I write a letter to the President every day.  Some are good letters, those are rare. Most are critical of what I see, but more importantly what I feel when I am out and about. If everyone who feels this way felt compelled to write their congressman, their senator, or the President everyday, we could make a difference. These elites in power do listen, when they are bombarded with letters from constituents.

 There is not the optimism that I felt in the 90's during the Clinton years.  I feel this general morose, this feeling of apathy, and despair.  This is not some imaginative creation that I made up, I am not that good. That's how it is. 

In the small city where I live, I see more and more homeless people on the street.  My heart goes out to them.  I was coming out of a store on Thursday, and there was a man with a small child standing outside with a sign. He had no job, no home.  The look on the little boys face was of pure desperation and grief about their situation.  I put what I could in the cup the boy was holding, he gave me a nod of thanks. What happened next absolutely shook me to the core.  The man I work for is autistic and mentally retarded.  He asked me if he could put money in the cup to " help that boy" and "could they come live with us?"  I gave RT another bill to give the boy. He put the money in the cup and we walked to my car. I was sitting next to a man who was born with his disability, and he cares about those who are more fortunate in one sense, and less fortunate in another. The other "normal" people who just walked by them, doing their best to ignore and pretend they were not there, I pity them.

  We sat there and watched as many, many more people walked past that man and boy without giving them a thought. Without even a glance in their direction. Those that did look at them, quickly looked away. 

 How much different this country could be if more people cared about those less fortunate than themselves.

Just imagine a world where the 1% actually cared about the country and wanted to see the other 99% of the people prosper as well as they did.  I know, there I go, dreaming again.

These are just observations by me. I do research, probably not as much as I should, but I look into things, and they are scary. There is injustice everywhere, and that is how they like it. Divide and conquer is a concept that the government and media have been using quite successfully for a while.  They keep us distracted on matters that in the end, will never be solved, just to keep us looking away from things that truly do matter. 

There are many things I see happening now around the country, that when I was a kid my dad would say "that only happens in Russia".  I see videos of brutal police tactics on innocent citizens. I see martial law enacted for tracking down one person. I see people exercising their right to free speech being arrested for that free speech. I see people asking questions to power, silenced and arrested, for asking a question.

There are times that I wonder what gets me more frustrated. The fact that people just don't care, or they don't want to care. I see it every day, their heads are buried in the sand, and soooo easily distracted.  But the sheer amount of apathy is very disconcerting.  There are so many documentaries on YouTube, that if they were shown on "network" television,  it would wake up enough people to maybe make a difference. 

  I was at meeting with a friend last night, and she is a owner and operator of a business that provides care to people with TBI ( Traumatic Brain Injury).  There is a movement afoot to cut the funding to those families in need of care by 40% by the state politicians. This problem flows upwards, when the local government has no money, that is a problem that flows up to the state level of governing. When the state level of government has no money, that flows up to the national level of government.

  This might be a basic way of trying to explain a very complex situation, but I will give it a shot.  According to "the cost of war"   Since 2001 we have spent $4,000,000,000,000 to kill brown people for oil.  If we took that money and invested in teachers, schools, infrastructure, construction, manufacturing, in this country, I can almost guarantee that we would be better off. Can you imagine how much better of each state would be with an extra $6.6 BILLION dollars flowing in every year?  Think about that one for a second. President Eisenhower warned us many years ago about the military industrial complex, and what would happen when they were out of control. It has happened.

If you have any questions or comments, I would like to read them. 

Gitmo Gil.

Part 2 - Coming soon- What can we do? or, What we can do?

Put a Stamp on this Cover-UP

It sure looks like the honorable(ha-ha) Senator from California, Dianne Feinstein has been putting her hand in the Postal Til, via her husband. Richard Blumhas been caught buying closed post offices on the cheap. Just a few quoted blurbs from an article in the East Bay Express. The questionable closing of those post offices and the resale by the husband of a senator raises quite a few questions.  Once again a very public figure who has been a champion in allowing the NSA and other govt agencies to invade our privacy at alarming rates, has been caught. What will happen here?  I have this stinking suspicion that this whole affair will be another "nothing to see here" moment. This once again shows that power corrupts.

CBRE appears to have repeatedly violated its contractual duty to sell postal properties at or above fair market value.CBRE has sold valuable postal properties to developers at prices that appear to have been steeply discounted from fair market values, resulting in the loss of tens of millions of dollars in public revenue.

I wonder if the NSA has the records of emails, phone calls, text messages, and other correspondence with those mentioned in this fantastic article?  Or will another person in power pull those magnificent strings and make this whole affair go away? 

Gitmo Gil

Sunday, September 22, 2013

One Small Step... One Giant Leap

The BBC had direct foreknowledge about the attack on 9/11. A judge has ruled that Tony Rooke does not have to pay a licensing fee to the BBC because they misrepresented the facts about the attack on 9/11. The ruling was handed down in February, but I do believe the word should be spread.

Please pass this video on to all you know.  We cannot go forward until we go back and figure out the truth about 9/11.

Gitmo Gil.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Congress shall make no law....

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech; or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

This is such an outrage I can barely type tonight. I saw this video and the corresponding website, and for the first time in a while I am feeling an outrage boiling inside. I have to get this out there. I am imploring you to spread the word.

This happened at a meeting of the Baltimore County School District.

The article appeared in the Examiner here

People, something must be done, we must get our country back!!!

Where is the justice?

I am still amazed at that police get away with murder.  I guess I should not be, but at some point we must take a stand for the innocent and downtrodden.  This is so sickening, the police ran over a suspect and the office is getting away with murder.

When is enough enough?  This must stop!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

They can put a man on the moon, but....

Is this content? Is this advertising?  These days that line has been crossed, and it is meant to confuse us.  There use to be break from a television program or news channel which would denote the time for a commercial.  The television networks are very aware of "time shifting" and "on demand" viewing.  To combat that growing trend, the advertisers have been, and are doing more and more, in programming advertising. Here is one I came across this morning.  You tell me, is this news, or advertising? 

CNN has been on the decline for years, and this is just one more example of why that downward trend is continuing.  This is not to say that the other news networks are doing the same, but this is so in your face, it is disgusting.  I made the choice 6 years ago to cut the cord.  I refuse to pay the cable companies for the hundred channels I do not want, just for the privilege of watching the handful I like.  I chose instead to use the Roku box, and have never looked back. I watch what I want, when I want, with NO COMMERCIALS. I have been over at the homes of some friends and they will channel surf, and invariably I will hear this "there's nothing on".  How insane is that?  They are paying anywhere form $80 to $150 a month for this.  

Kevin Spacey nailed it.  The old model for the cable companies is ebbing away.  I am reminded of the famous line on Seinfeld by George Costanza, " they can put a man on the moon".  I have been saying this for years about the cable tv industry.  There is no reason that a subscriber should not pay for JUST the channels they want.

I challenge you dear reader, take the plunge, cut the cord!!!


At first there will some minor withdrawal, there will some silence in your home, because instead of having that background noise you are use to, you will forced to talk to your spouse, talk to your kids, read a book, and lets not forget,you will not have to listen to those inane commercials.

 If you choose a Roku, you will be talking about it to your friends, and your enemies. Every one of them will probably ask the same question. What the hell is a Roku?  Your face will light up, you will tell them, and there will be that hint, that subtle hint from them that they are missing out on something cool.  When you tell them that they will save over $1000 a year, that is the jaw dropping moment.

I have personally "converted" about 10 people to the Roku. Not one of them has regretted it. Just sayin....

From Gitmo Nation,
Gitmo Gil

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I know there are good ones... but, WTF is going on here?

Toledo is a crazy town, this cop is out of control.

I awoke this morning to the heartwarming story of Glen James.  He is the homeless man who turned in a backpack with over $40,000 in cash and traveler's checks.  As of this writing there is over $92,000 in a fund set up by Ethan Whittington.  Call me jaded, call me a cynic, but I believe that the person who lost this backpack was better off having it found by a homeless person rather than the police.

I am reminded of the story of Ritchie Roberts.  He was the police officer who found almost $1 million dollars in the trunk of a car. When he turned in ALL the money he was ostracized, ridiculed, ignored, and look at by his fellow officers as a "bad guy". Why, you ask?
Many police officers believe that they do a thankless job, work ungodly hours for little pay, and get no recognition for their duty.  Ritchie Roberts' partner wanted his "taste" of the money.  He held a grudge against Ritchie for the rest of his life.  Many other police officers all made it clear that they would not work with him, he was too honest.  That says it all.  I know for a fact that there are many great police officers who try their best to do the right thing. Sadly, there are many who really do believe that if they come across undocumented cash, they deserve their taste.

In the end, it really is better that a homeless man found the backpack.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Historical Fiction?

I am conflicted tonight.  Someone I once admired and respected showed himself to be very close minded.  I was listening to TWIG, This Week in Google on the TWIT Network.  Jeff Jarvis was talking about this past week and the 9/11 ceremonies.  While he was waxing poetic about the scenery, he mentioned the "9/11 nut jobs" across the street. Does Mr. Jarvis know about the massive cover-up withing the CIA regarding information intentionally being suppressed? Lets have a listen with two film makers and Richard Clarke. This is quite fascinating.

I like to think I am open minded.  We all have our beliefs, and those can be an asset or a liability.  Jeff Jarvis is a professor at NYU. He is supposed to shape young minds, inspire, teach, and be a beacon for his students.  For him to categorically put a label on anyone for having a difference of opinion, and calling them "nut jobs", is abhorrent. Does Mr. Jarvis ignore polls that show more and more Americans questioning the official story? Ben Swann opened his mind.

I would wager that a student of his who is well informed and passionate about their beliefs about 9/11 has shared with Jeff their differing view. Did Jeff call that student a "nut job"? Did Jeff categorically castigate that student to the dummy corner? Or as a professor, did Jeff tell that student to research more, learn as much as he/she could about the real facts of 9/11?  Mr. Jarvis, please watch the short clips below, you might actually learn to accept dissent.

Does Mr. Jarvis know about the hundreds of fire fighters and police officers who reported hearing explosives in WTC 1 & 2.

Does Mr. Jarvis know about the BBC and CNN reporting of Building 7 collapsing a full 20 minutes early?

Does Mr. Jarvis know about the impossible collapse of Building 7?

Does Mr. Jarvis know about Secretary of State Kerry admitting Building 7 was a demolition?

Does Mr. Jarvis know about the squibs ejecting debris at 1000 mph?

These are just a few examples that at the very least, call into the question the validity of the "official" story.

Does Mr. Jarvis believe the story the government gave us?  Mr. Cheney would never lie, right? I mean the whole story about 9/11 and the connection to Iraq proved right.. sorry, that was a lie.

 The story about Iraq having WMD was right. sorry, that was a lie also.  Surely when Colin Powell went in front of the UN with the vial of chemical/biological agents that was the truth?  Sorry, lying again.

Surely they would never lie about an American hero getting killed in Afghanistan right? Sorry, they exploited Pat Tillman until they got caught.

The government would never plan to kill citizens and blame someone else just to get us into war? D'oh, I forgot about Operation Northwoods and the Gulf on Tonkin.

So why would they lie about 9/11?  I can give you $$ billions if not $$trillions of rea$sons. 

I too was suckered into the official story for 3-4 years, then I started to do what many others did, I learned !!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

PSYOPS - Is This The New Normal?

PSYOPS-Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign or domestic audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior. The purpose of pyschological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originators objectives. ( U.S Dept. of Defense)

Is this the new normal?

I will be quite forthright and honest here. I want to thank my brother for my headline. He asked this last night, and I have not been able to get this out of my head. This "new" normal scares me, and it should scare you also. The fact that the police in the guise of security, shut down a city, cancel a baseball game, and stop traffic is more of a psyop than anything else.  They did this a few short months ago in Boston.  And they reached into their bag of tricks and did it again yesterday. When did we say it good to enforce martial law? 

 We do live in a republic where democracy is supposed to rule. Right?  Did we as a country have in the words of our President a "discussion" about how illegal it is to call "Martial Law" when there is a killing, and someone is out there with a gun. 

 Folks, this is insanity.  If the police want to recommend that we not go out, travel on the road, take precautions, and basically "see something, say something" then that is one thing. But ORDERING the human resources to stay inside our homes because one man "might" be out there is categorically a psyop of the highest order. 

This is akin to "duck and cover". Does anyone still recall this?  This was a psyop played out in the schools during the cold war.  Picture this scenario, a nuclear bomb has just exploded, and you are supposed to duck and cover under you desk at school, because the desk has the magical ability to ward off and protect you from the radiation and fire. Pure psyop. 

 The police who all have the same black military armor, guns, masks are more intimidating than ever, and no matter what they say, they see "us" as the enemy.  This is never more evident than yesterday.   They are ever so slowly conditioning the human resources(us) to the fact that they can and will shut us down at will.  I will make prediction right now, its been roughly 6 months since the Boston martial law shutdown.  I have a feeling it will happen again is less than 6 months, somewhere in the Midwest, a smaller city. Somewhere like Tulsa, Minneapolis, Memphis, you get the idea. I hope I am wrong, but this "new normal" is not normal at all.  The cost of security at the expense of freedom and everything else is bankrupting America.  

In the "you can's make this up" department. At the INSA conference this past week, which is a who's who of government agencies. You will never guess what one of the main topics of discussion was? You guessed right, the "Lone Wolf" terrorist/criminal. What a coincidence... Here is Congressman Ruppersberger talking about that subject/
If you want to listen to all the speakers there, and it is quite scary to hear members of the oversight committee talking about how the ILLEGAL NSA SPYING PROGRAM is just a "glitch".    Just click on the subheading INSA, and all the clips are there...
That is terrifying on many levels.  These reps are supposed to be "us", and all they can do is make excuses for the illegalities, and spying. This really pisses me off.  We have to vote them out, all of them. Anyone with me? Instead of providing responsible oversight, they are going to sponsored conferences, getting their pockets lined with security cash, and gaining more and more influence, and giving the NSA permission to snoop into our homes.  This is a police state, make no mistake about that.  Do you realize that if the amount of cash being funneled into security and the military is so staggering that we have no concept of it.
When did this become the new normal?
If you follow the No Agenda Show, you will know that this killing at the navy yard fell right on the 6 week cycle they predicted. Scary, John and Adam nailed it.  But even scarier is the fact that ABC News had the killing on its website on Sept 15, not the 16th. Ooops.

Please note the address in the URL bar.

ABC has some explaining to do.  If I hear about how a "time stamp" error is a regular thing, then please show me the other instances of that happening. In the immortal words of Ricky Ricardo  ABC has "some splainin to do" . 

This new normal must stop being normal, NOW!!!!

Gitmo Gil

Monday, September 16, 2013

We all have a voice, we just have to use it.

Hi From Gitmo Nation Northeast

Are we better off today than we were 10 years ago?

Are we better off than we were 20 years ago?

Look at this. It sure looks like Obama likes to screw the rapidly shrinking middle class. Bastards  It really hurts when you see it in print, instead of just feeling it every goddamn day.. Someday this whole house of cards is going to cave in, the 1% will not be able to buy their way out. 
When are we, as a people going get angry? We need to take to the streets, take it to the malls, take it every Main Street in every town and city in this country. But alas, that will not happen. Instead we will wear ribbons in protest. Or change Avatars.

 That does NOTHING.

I say "Fuck the NSA" They are the bastards that on the pretense of "security" invade our privacy.  It is not too far in the future where every semblance of privacy is gone.  I bet if I use certain keywords, I could get some jackoff who has sold their soul for a government paycheck to read this page.  In the Middle East there are Terrorists who blow up building, with pipe bombs, and that is horrible.  It was not too long ago that we used the biggest weapon of mass destruction on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Pretty soon, a nuclear bomb will hit the internet, and most of us will be part of the fallout. 

That is probably the most honest 3 minutes on television in the recent past.  What has happened to us?  

I have a signature in my email that says "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent" One of our greatest Presidents made that statement.  Where have people of good conscience gone? 

We all need more EDWARD SNOWDENS. We all need more WILLIAM BINNEYS. And there is no question the next BRADLEY MANNING IS OUT THERE.

These men are all heroes.  Who is going to to be the next hero who exposes the criminals who are working for the government, or the private sector in the name of the government?  I know, many questions this morning, and no answers.  We need a hero, we need someone who will stand up for us, someone we can get behind, who is not corrupt, who will not misuse the public trust. I do have an idea. That person goes to work every day, sits at a desk, has a cup of coffee, then wonders what the hell they are doing.  He or she, sees all that is swirling about, and maybe today is the day they will do something about it.  We are just getting going here. 

Am I condemning all police officers as horrible people? No. Are there police officers who blatantly abuse their power? Yes.  Do I hold all police officers to a higher standard? Yes I do. When police officers abuse that power, should their sentence be harsher than a any a criminal who is not trusted by the public? Yes. 

I will take a look at the greatest invention in the history of man. The Internet.

Ever since its inception and growing popularity, our government has had their hands in the till.  The corporations that mete out its highway of information have tried their best to give us a little here and there, but they want total control of its broad powers, make no mistake about that.

The whole issue of net neutrality is a joke.  Oh, I know, for a time it will look like "the people" will get a victory, but lets face facts.

Comcast-ATT-Verizon-Time Warner- just to name a few of the bastards, have pockets that are too deep.  The will lavish their riches on our elected officials, and we the people have no chance at winning at that game.  You would think that a few of the power house technology companies would stand with us. They will not.  We would have heard of them by now. Where is Sergei and Larry with enormous pockets trying to help us?  Where is Bill Gates?  You would think that people at the Google would be on the side of us, maybe 6 or 7 years ago they would have, not now. They are the 1%. Don't rock the boat.  

I do not normally sound like a defeated person. Facts are facts. Bribes work. And our elected officials can smell that internet cash with both nostrils wide open.  I am sickened by it. It repulses me to the core. Someday, in the not too distant future, this little blog of mine, will not get on the information highway, because I will refuse to pay the toll.  I say fuck you to them.  The only way, the absolute only way to hurt them, is to not give them your money.  But, who has the intestinal fortitude to do it.  Oh, there are some of us who do our small part. I refuse to give Exxon one penny of my money. Do you know that they are waiting for people in Alaska to die off, so they dont have to pay for the Exxon Valdeze spill.  Yep, they are literally waiting for people who they harmed to die. Nice people, Huh!

The bottom line is that people do not care.  They would rather sit at home and watch Dancing with the Stars, or American Idol, than stand up and be counted for something they believe in.  Would you give up internet access for a few short months, in order to get a better faster and fairer internet in the future? I would.  Are you aware that the big ISP's have enacted laws in 19 states, that make it a crime for a community that has no internet access the ability to build their own? Did you know that there are towns in many states where kids have to do their homework by the side of a road on "Death Hill", because its the only place that 3G will work?  That is fucking sickening to me.  The reason that the big ISP's will not build internet service there, is not because it is not profitable, its just not profitable enough. Man, that really pisses me off.  The big ISP's regurlary make 95% profit on every dollar you pay, every month. Why should they upgrade the pipes, when there is no competition? I do not begrudge anyone making a buck. But when is enough enough?

This video above might just make you get your ass off the couch and do something.  If we all did something small, then the powers that be would do something, thats how they work.  I have the White House contact page as one of my Chrome home pages. I send the White House a message every day. Will it make a difference? I don't know, but at least I try.  I also have my Senator's and Congresswoman contact pages always at the ready. We all have a voice, just use it.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Bigger The Lie...

This past week marked the 12th anniversary of 9/11. Many, if not most people think that was the day that changed everything. I disagree. The day that changed everything was November 22, 1963. I was only a lad of 2 at that time. Over the years I have read many accounts, heard many versions, and thought about that that day, and its implications and outcomes. I am a person who does not judge others, I have made as many, if not more mistakes in life than most, so I have no business judging others. On that note, I will boil things down to its basic essence. If you believe that Oswald acted alone, you are a fucking idiot. There, I said it, its going to be published, and I stand that by that to my dying day.  If I profess to know who did it, who ordered it, who orchestrated it, then I would be just as much an idiot as those that think he acted alone. There is one thing that I know for sure, Oswald did not act alone.

 There have been many books published, movies and films made on that subject, and even the "experts" have no idea the exact nature of crime.  I could go into the facts and explanations and bore you death, but I will not, the only people who believe in the "lone gunman" theory are the ones who like to bury their heads in the sand, and say that everything is ok.  I firmly believe that if he had lived, then this country would be a far better place.  If there is one book I can get you to read it would be JFK and the Unspeakable.  When you are done reading that, you will not only have most of the information you need, but you will be mad. Folks, things are not ok.

Things are very far from ok.

November 22, 1963 is probably the most important day in the history of this country, if not the world.  That was the day that "they" figured out "they" could get away with anything "they" want.  That was a day that a murder was committed on the worlds stage, with all the actors in place, all the evidence in place, and still 50 years later, it is the biggest unsolved crime in history.  You have to wonder why?  You must ask yourself why has this crime not been solved?  Once you can figure out that question, and its far reaching implications, then you feel the tug of reality nipping at your heels.  You see, what is going on all around is is not reality, it is a charade, it is grand play, a hoax on the masses. Who do I blame? Who do I hold accountable?  To answer that question I would need to read documentation that is sealed and will never be put into the public domain.  Yes, that's right, there are hundreds of thousands of documents that will never see the light of day. If you doubt me on that, I will use the three words I use the most these days "look it up."

 That one statement alone should be a shock to the system, that one statement should get you mad, it should enrage you not as a citizen of this once great country, but as a human being. Think about that, someone decided that "we" are too stupid, to naive to handle the truth. Yep, that is what "they" think about us. I am so sick of elites and those in power just coming to that conclusion we the people just take it up the ass.  How different this world would be if we had the information, and could make sound decisions based on honest facts.

 I know, there I go again, living in a polyanna world. Think about that, what if we had the information that could change the world? Believe you me, those in power just want to do two thing, get more power, and stay in power.  There is no reason for them to release information about the JFK murder, about Roswell, about the true evil that is the Bush family. I could drop a couple of things about the Bush's that would absolutely blow your mind.

 You would not believe it, so why bother. But I just cant stop myself tonight, it must be the caffeine. Did you know that Poppy Bush41 and John Hinckley Sr. were very good friends?  Must be one hell of a coincidence that Hinckley Jr tried to kill Poppy41 boss. Look it up.  And guess who was in Dallas on November 22, 1963?  Yep, you guessed it  Poppy 41.  Though he tried to give himself an alibi, by calling the FBI to tell them he was somewhere else. What a coincidence.  I am firmly convinced that the evil Bush family is one of the greatest blights on this country.  They truly are the face of evil.  Go ahead and look up Prescott Bush and his relation to another evil bastard, his good friend Adolph Hitler.

I do not have the ability to make this shit up.  

I know that over the years I have been very angry.  There are those in power who feel that "we" are too stupid and weak to know the truth about that day. This secret has been a cancer to the country for 50 years.  As we come up on another anniversary, we will hear the same shit, the same thing from the seats in power, how that day was so tragic, and that we must come to grips with this. I say bullshit. I say "fuck you" to those in power. We the people need to find out the secrets that have been hidden in the shadows, probably in some boxes at the bottom of a chasm that we will never reach. That is our shame. That is our guilt.  I have this feeling that many people do not even want to know what happened, and that pisses me off to no end. It is always hindsight that is 20/20. The mere fact that this horrible event happened almost 50 years ago should wake us up to the abuses in power that are happening today.  Have we all lost our souls?  Have we all succumbed to taking the easy way out? I think so.

Lets just go back to the Poppy shall we. You want to see the true face of evil, Poppy wanted his was, and by god he was going to get it. So just like his mentally challenged son, he turned to the powers on Madison Avenue to create the hoax heard around the world.  His buddies at Hill and Knowlton created a great marketing campaign. He could also rely on the ever so compromised media not to ask any questions to power, and lo and behold, we got "incubator babies" put into our lexicon. I have placed the video here, because I want you to remember one thing, it is all lies, not some of it, all of it.  This begs me to ask that question, how different our world would be, if those in power were forced to be honest? 

The fact that that those in power slander and ridicule anyone who throws questions to such perceived power should wake up everyone.  Here is the one line that gets thrown in my face all the time, "you must be some conspiracy theorist". I take that as a compliment nowadays. You see, if you go back and look up facts about the Warren Commission Report, we now know that many people lied under oath, and that many of the "facts at that time" were wrong.  So how do we deal with this, shut up slave, move along. And we being the meek slaves that we are, just shut up and move along.  When are we going to stand up and make ourselves heard?  Probably now, because the NSA has all our phone calls, all our emails, all of the facebook posts, all the text messages, EVERYTHING!!

Being the meek slaves, we are ok with that.  I am not ok with this. I am pissed off. The NSA has no right to be in my bedroom.  Many years ago I put a sticker over the webcam on my laptop. I was called crazy, and paranoid. A little while later it was revealed that the Philadelphia schools system was spying on students through the webcams in their Macbooks. 

Just a few weeks ago, it came out in the compromised press, that the NSA has been regularly snooping into the webcams of anyone they want to. Here is something you do not know, before all the Snowden documents made it to the front pages, all the information contained in those slides was presented to the NSA who said that there was really nothing of consequence in them.  The NSA gave the OK to release it.  Thats right, The Guardian was given the go ahead by the NSA to release it.  The question I ask is this, since this Snowden affair is the distraction, what is the big story that they do not want us to know about?

Things are not ok... it was once said that you should not put anything into an email that you did not want on the front page of the once great New York Times. Now we can change that to emails, texts, posts,phone calls, and hell, probably even thoughts.  Yes, there are ways... But The New York Times has been corrupted at the core just like all the other mainstream media outlets. It is quite disgusting trying to find the truth about anything these days. Is there a news outlet that you trust?  This has  made me realize what is important in life. It made me demand more of those around me, it made me demand that those in power be responsible for their illegal and immoral actions against us.  I use the word "us" , because like it or not we are all in this together. 

Unless you are totally in denial, then you must have realized that the powers that be, and the media have done a wonderful job of dividing and conquering us. They make all of us take different side to insanely trite issues, and blow us up.  This is a disgrace, but we sheeple just go along with this.  Baaaaaa.