In the recent news that the NSA has been spying in members of congress, this is how I really think this whole massive data collection thing works, stay with me, please.The
President: You know, Keith (Kaiser Alexander) I am trying to get this darn ( insert any bill here) through, and there are some members of congress/senate holding this up.
Kaiser Keith: Well, Mr President, what can I do for you?
President: You wouldn't happen to have something on Congressman/Senator ??? would you?
Kaiser Keith: You know that by law, we don't spy on members of congress (snicker, small inaudible laugh) right?
President: I know, Keith, I'm just saying, if you happen to come across anything on Senator ???? let me know, please?
Kaiser Keith: Will do, Mr. President.
Kaiser Keith then calls in one of the NSA lackeys and tell him to get all we have on Senators ??? and ???
About 2 hours later the phone in the Oval office rings...The President's Chief of Staff answers and a smile creeps over his face...
The White House phone number comes up on Senator ??? as an incoming number, This particular Senator who might have some level of a moral compass left, quickly pales as he learns that his rendezvous with a male intern last week at very private spa, will become public knowledge unless he votes for the Presidents bill.
This Senator hangs up the phone, looks at the picture of his wife and 3 children that sits on his desk. He grabs the garbage pail, throws up, and wonders when his career is over? Now, or sometime in the future. The Senator being the smart man that he is, cannot figure out how the White House got this information. There was only a quick selfie, and a text message between that adorable intern and himself.
Folks, this is what the NSA spying program is all about. Blackmail and Industrial Espionage. If an act of "terror" is caught by accident, all the better. There is no other reason for members of congress to be spied upon. That is a fact.
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