Thursday, January 9, 2014

Quips Quotes and Random Notes

I am currently sitting next to two young ladies at a Starbucks who are both uptalkers, who taught them to speak? 90210?

With the current election cycle soon to start, I have a couple thoughts. As an example, first and most important if you are someone who currently holds an office, and you are running for a higher office, you should be forced to resign your current post.  There should be no fall-back job.  If Senator McCain had to resign his Senate seat in order to run for President, do you think he would have run?  I do not think so.  These people who run and lose, get to keep all that unspent campaign cash, it must be a very nice nest egg.

A new day and a new outrage.  What the hell happened to force 3 cops to kill a 90 lb kid holding a screwdriver?  If this does not show you that we are the enemy now, then nothing will.  The officer who make the kill shot is quoted as saying, "we don't have time for this" then took out his pistol and shot Keith Vidal

Then there is the killing of striker in Cambodia, because they have the nerve to ask for $73 a month to make the clothing for HM, Addidas, Puma and many others.  How do people still shop at these stores?  Though, if I had to guess, these stories are not being covered by the mainstream media news.

My letter to Mercedes Benz regarding the Michael Hasting murder.  Yep, you read that right, this was no accident.  Too many unanswered questions.  Here is a cope of the letter,

Have you at Mercedes figured out how the brand new Benz that Michael Hasting was driving, blew up? More importantly how the engine ended up 75 feet away from the car, after it hit a tree? There are many questions that need to be answered, my readers are waiting for your reply. Thank you. The accident was last June in Los Angeles.  Dr Fisher from DARPA was able to conclude that autos with your particular computer system could be hacked.  Have the engineers at MB been able to figure out what happened, since there were no skid marks, which you would expect to see? I am sure the public should be made aware that MB that his have front end collision are prone to explode, has this report been made public?

It has been 3 days since I sent that letter, I am not holding my breath.

I am not a wrestling fan by any stretch, but today's announcement that the WWE is going to broadcast on set top boxes directly, is great news for us cordcutters.  Content creators are waking up to the fact that they do not need the networks and other middlemen who take their cuts of the pie, to get their shows in front of peoples faces.

That is just the start.  With the new season of "House of Cards" just a few days away, the cable TV industry is going to get the shock of their life when they see the metrics for viewership on Netflix.  The old broadcast model is hanging on with every fiber of their being, but they cannot stop progress.

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