This fine crisp January morning brings some welcome news from the Internet. This article from
Yahoo Finance points out the things not to buy this year. Cable TV is at the top of the list. I am biased, I completely agree with the Yahoo view. Cable TV is something that almost everyone can do without, easily.
I was at work last week and a nurse who visits our group home talked about her growing need to get rid of cable tv. She is paying upwards of $180 a month for the "triple play" which is a whole other scam, I will write about later. I liken my enthusiasm for cutting the cord to how you feel when you see a great movie, or read a book that blows you away, you want to share that with your friends. I told her about the Roku, she did not know it existed. I shared some movie websites, and documentary film sites. I saw her whole demeanor change. It was very cool. She is a very smart woman, nurses on the whole must be smart, it might take some time, but she will do it, I believe that. I cannot predict what device she will use, or what programs she will watch, but I can predict one thing with absolute surety, she will tell all her friends and family about cutting the cord, and her enthusiasm will be contagious.
All I can do is expose you, dear reader, to the information, what you do with it, is up to you. Here are a few websites to peruse at your leisure.
This is a small sample of what the internet has to offer. Many people today think of Youtube as that video site with the cat playing the piano. Those days are gone. If your life revolves around what Hannity or O'Reilly blather about, then there are much deeper issues at play. If you a scared to do this because your 5 year old is addicted to Disney channel, which I read about last week, it is time to man up and get your life in order. You have been steered by the cable industry to believe this is the ONLY way to be entertained, it is not. There is even a phrase to describe what cable tv does to people, it makes them COUCH POTATOES. That's all you need to know.
Cut the cord, make love with your wife/husband.significant other/mannequin/blowup doll, read a book, go for walks, play a game, talk to your spouse, instead of sitting on the couch pointing a remote at a box, with hope of finding something to watch.
You have been subtly brainwashed over the years to think that cable TV in a utility. It is not. Think about the wasted time sitting in front of the television going through the guide, and not finding a damn thing to entertain you with a possible channel list of 150 outlets.
That amount of channels is staggering. How many commercials are you and the kids ( its all about the children) are blasted at you, from every direction?
Here is a quick test to see if you are ready to cut the cord, I did not go through the whole test, as I have been (Hi, I'm Gil, I am a cord cutter, Hi Gil) cable free for almost 5 years now. I find the entertainment I want, when I want, and watch it on many different devices.I have a small 36' Bravia flat screen in the Gitmo command center, I also have a backup ASUS laptop which has the HDMI port hooked into said TV. These small inexpensive setup allows anything on the internet to be on the television.
What many people do not realize is the amount of movies, documentary films, television shows, lectures, music, that Youtube has to offer. My goodness, I could basically just use that set up and be fine. BUT, I also have my primary laptop that I use probably 58% for viewing.
Then there is the issue with what I consider the
greatest thing since the slicing of bread, the ROKU. WOW, this device is so powerful, and easy to use,it is magic. That's why you can buy one through Amazon on this blog. I only push things that I personally use.
I saw a tweet yesterday that said "bad news for cord cutters, ABC is delaying website views for popular shows for one week. My immediate first thought was, why is that bad news? There are many reasons why people cut the cord, one of them is that they really do not care about network television. That being said, I do not care one bit, I don't think that ABC has anything that interests me. On the other hand this move my ABC does show that they are very very aware of cord cutters. If they didn't care, then they would immediately put their shows on the website. They are trying to "punish" the growing group of cord cutters by delaying what they consider "must see tv". Message to ABC, go jump the lake.
To wrap this first post of 2014, if you are scared to cut the cord, I get it. Take baby steps, feel the landscape out, and maybe take the plunge. Send me an email, I will hold your hand, point you in the right direction, freedom is a click away.
Gitmo Gil