Monday, November 18, 2013

TWA Flight 800- Epic COVER-UP

We cannot be on top of all things all the time.  To keep everything in the forefront of our knowledge base is impossible. I saw a documentary last night, that will stay with me for a long time.  I cannot even come close to imagine how the families and friends of the victims of Flight 800 feel about this cover up.

 I have always been aware of the events surrounding the crash of TWA Flight 800.  I do not have any personal connection to anyone on board that flight.  What bothers me the most was and is the continuing silence of the over 200 witnesses to saw a "missile" ascending to the doomed aircraft.  

Why would the FBI intimidate and treat the witnesses with derision and ridicule.  Here we have many witnesses with no connection to each other, all seeing the same thing, yet, the government wants to keep them silent, and not include any testimony in the official record.

Here we have a direct quote from Jim Hall, the NTSB Chairman "Top intelligence and security officials were told in a video conference from the White House situation room that radar tapes showed an object headed for the plane seconds before it exploded" 

Aren't you sick of cover ups and lies from the very institutions that are supposed to uphold the law?

When are we as a people going to start to expect the truth from these assholes?  That's what they are in my eyes, assholes.  They think so little of us, that they lie, lie, and lie some more to "protect" us from the truth. I am sick of this shit.

What truth could be so bad, so damaging about the real reason TWA Flight 800 crashed on July 17, 1996? 

Did our own military shoot it down?

Did a terrorist shoot it down?

Did the  military from another country shoot it down?

On the outset, those appear to be the three possibilities.  Which one is most likely?

If it was another countries military, I cannot see why "they" would keep it quiet.  As we have learned from other attacks, our government loves to go to war.  We feed off this carcass of these nations, and gobble up their resources.  If it was Iran, Iraq, for instance, I could easily see President Clinton going in front of the nation and tell us how we must act now, and secure our freedom, and make sure this does not happen again.  How dare (insert country here) they shoot down our planes, we will crush you with full weight of our massive unchecked military industrial complex.  

Just think, how much that would have bolstered our economy, brought the people together, band us as one fighting force for good.   I know, a little over the top, but you get my point.  We would have crushed some one, I can guarantee you that.

Lets suppose it was a terrorist group.  Was there a message claiming responsibility for the shooting of the missile?  Was there an actual video of the shooting?  Was there a demand from these terrorist to release any prisoners?  Believe you me, if there was, we would have heard about that. It would have been another reason to ramp up the military, and you know how much they love that jingoistic crap.

That leaves us with the last option.  Our own military shot it down.  Once you rule out the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be true.  

As that what the FBI and the NTSB is hiding?  

How come the mainstream media did not dig into this with fervor?  

I have a hunch they were told to shut up, ridicule the witnesses, play ball, and good things will come your way.  The media has long been compromised, and this would be no different.  Its sickening, but its true.

I saw the documentary on Netflix last night, and I could not sit down while it was on, the pure gall, and the hubris that these FBI and NTSB officials have is beyond contempt. As it was playing, I learned that the families of the victims had to sue the FBI, CIA,NTSB for information of how their loved ones were killed.  This is sickening,disgusting, and downright smells of a cover up of massive proportions.  Then at the end of the film, they went through all the people who refused to be interviewed for the movie.  In my eyes, they are cowards, plain and simple.  There was one FBI official who said that all the witnesses suffered from "mass misperception" .  He looked like Martin Short when he was the scurvy lawyer on SNL years ago. 

We must get our country back, one cover up at a time.

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