It all started so innocently. My lady friend showed me an email confirmation she accidentally received from a company called SecurePak This confirmation was in regards to many food items being sent to a prisoner in the Arkansas Department of Corrections. These items included.
Ritz Crackers
Velveeta Cheese
Pork Rinds
My first thought was this was a phishing expedition, the sender wanted my lady to call and "confirm" a credit card. I did a search for original email recipient and no name came up, but I saw she lives is Memphis TN. The receiver of these fine foods was a prisoner in Arkansas.
When I searched the Arkansas DOC ( Department of Corrections) website, I found the prisoner who the food was being shipped. I saw that this was a legitimate mistake, and I notified Securepak that their confirmation had been received by the wrong person. My lady and the Miss X do share the same last name and first letter of their first name.
Me, being who I am was intrigued and I did a quick check of this food company. The name implies "security" and since the recipient was a prisoner, it must be connected to the DOC in some way. Since we have over 3.5 million prisoners in the prison system, and the prisons have become profit centers, I wanted to see how SecurePak was connected. I went to the home page and voila. This company serves the prison system in many profitable ways that include,
Access Securepak® is the most comprehensive custom package program in the correctional industry. Access Securepak® is a program designed to allow family members and friends to send packages to inmates. Access Securepak® was developed to eliminate contraband and greatly reduce the time and labor required to process packages.
As an affiliate of Keefe Group, you will benefit from the market and product expertise we have been offering since 1975.
For over 30 years, Keefe Group has been the industry leader in the packaging and distribution of high quality products and services to correctional facilities.
I quickly saw that this company was part of a larger group, The Keefe Group. Intrigue quickly got the better of me, and I searched for the Keefe Group.
This Keefe Group is quite diverse as you can see here
They provide many services to the prison system in many states. This Keefe group offers the "Offender Management Suite" of products and services.
What a name, The Offender Management Suite" it almost sound like a new version of Microsoft Office.
They go on to say...
Advanced Technologies Group’s (ATG) Offender Management Suite (OMS) supports all facets of offender supervision and provides officers a unified view of the entire continuum of supervision (pre-trial, probation, incarceration and parole).
The suite of applications is an integrated system of software solutions designed to improve a corrections agency’s efficiency and effectiveness. The system collects and presents information in a fashion that enables management make more informed strategic decisions. We developed these solutions by interviewing over 1,000 users from different areas of corrections, public safety and courts and by applying over 400 combined years of professional expertise.
The Proverbial light bulb went off over my head. This is some big money, a shitload of cash, and access to the prison system. Our prisons have become profit centers for many corporations. I personally believe this is wrong. For a society to make money off the backs of inmates says a lot about greed and a lack of a moral compass. I do not begrudge anyone making a profit, but to make it on the misery and suffering of criminals and victims is abhorrent at best. You can think of this way, there are people, who are actually rooting for more crime, more victims, and this is how they make their money.
One thing I have learned over the years is to follow the money, and look for the "about us" pages on business websites. Thank you to Adam Curry at NoAgenda for this tip.
The Keefe Group has their Prisoner Entertainment Package... Don't believe me?, read on....
The Access to Entertainment MP3 player and music download program is an inmate entertainment technology designed and manufactured to provide greater safety and security in correctional facilities.
The MP3 player is built for security, with clear components, no moving or removable parts, and no recording devices, microphones or speakers. It’s pre-loaded with a catalog of millions of song titles, so inmates can spend endless hours searching for music without tethering to a kiosk. Because the system operates on a private network that Access Corrections hosts, it provides a safe, easy way to purchase music.
Access to Entertainment costs your facility nothing to implement, and you’ll benefit from it in many ways:
Eliminates the time and effort required to manually sell, account for, replace or otherwise deal with cassettes and CDs
Each MP3 Player comes programmed with the inmate’s name and DOC#, so property officers won’t need to engrave it
The player will display the inmate's updated balance, reducing questions to the business office
The program can support education, meditation and worship programs.
The first paragraph includes the following quote "inmates can spend ENDLESS HOURS searching for music" This is most likely true, and quite insightful, as that is what inmates have most of all ENDLESS HOURS. The last bullet point blew my mind. The program CAN support education, meditation and worship. Shouldn't that be the focus? Or at least, Education be a standard? Why are prisoners there in the first place? Shouldn't education be a foundation for rehabilitation? I know, there goes my idealism again...
This Keefe group basically manages everything in the prison system. Folks, there is some huge cash here, I thought that the Keefe Group must be well connected to be so integrated in the prison systems around the country. I did some more searching and found that they also provide the food and personnel to make the food. When you hear stories about drugs in prison, and how easy the prisoners can get them, you have to wonder about who has the access to the system in the first place. This is just one more opportunity of access.
But wait, there's more....
For nearly 40 years, Keefe Group has been a leader and pioneer in bringing cutting-edge services and technologies to the correctional industry.
Through its’ affiliates Keefe Supply Company, Keefe Commissary Network, Access Corrections, Access Securepak, ICSolutions and Advanced Technologies Group, Keefe Group streamlines the way correctional facilities process and manage the flow of information and communication, financial transactions and entertainment for inmates and their families.
Keefe Group offers a host of services to the corrections industry, including:
Access Secure Data Detective®
Access Secure Deposits®
Access Secure Intake®
Access Secure Mail™
Access Secure Photo™
Access Secure Release™
Access Securepak®
Access to Entertainment®
KeepTrak™ Software System
Offender Management Suite
The Edge®
The Enforcer®
This Keefe Group basically handles all aspects from arrest to parole, and EVERYTHING in between. The bottom line, MORE PRISONERS EQUALS MORE PROFIT.
In 1975, Keefe Supply Company entered the correctional market by supplying single-serve coffee packets to a Florida prison. Keefe understood the need for improvement in correctional product offerings and pioneered the packaging evolution of products sold through correctional commissaries. Keefe began packaging instant coffee and drink mixes in sealed paper pouches and was the first to offer pouch-packaged seafood, eliminating the security threat associated with metal and glass containers.
Today, Keefe is comprised of six operating companies, each focused on distinct aspects of commissary operations:Keefe Supply Company, Keefe Commissary Network, Access Securepak, Access Corrections, ICSolutions andAdvanced Technologies Group.
Keefe Group is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, and has facilities nationwide, including seven main distribution centers and ten regional service centers. We also maintain our own manufacturing facility, where we package a variety of name brand and private-label products.
At Keefe, we focus exclusively on corrections, developing the most innovative products and services and making customer satisfaction our number one priority.
I continued to look at this Keefe Group, and wondered who they are?, who sits on the board?, who owns them? It was real strange, there was none of this info on their website. Interesting. I searched the site for a clue, and found one.
A little bit up the food chain, there is another Keefe Group, different website name, same company.
The website looks more professional, and there is a sense of some huge money here.There is bit more information here, but no name, no CEO, No President of the company.
"Keefe Group, through its affiliates, Keefe Supply Company, Keefe Commissary Network, Access Securepak, Access Corrections, ICSolutions and Advanced Technologies Group, is the nation’s leading supplier of food products, personal care products, electronics, clothing, technology, telecommunications and software solutions to the correctional market.
Since 1975, Keefe has serviced the correctional market exclusively and pioneered the evolution of products, packaging and technology"
Something was starting to smell a bit more rotten. Most companies who provide all these services and products would be out front with their board of directors and corporate officers.
I hope as you have been reading this post, you have going to the company websites. There is no hint of any one who runs the company. This intrigued me even more.
Then I found all the "associations" this Keefe Group is hooked into... Holy Shit...
In order to stay abreast of the ever-evolving trends and issues its customers face, Keefe Group participates in and provides corporate support to a host of national and state organizations, including:
National Organizations:
American Correctional Association (ACA)
American Jail Association (AJA)
Association of Correctional Employees
Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA)
Association of Women Executives in Corrections (AWEC)
FSA Jail Administrators’ AssociationNational Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ)
National Association of Counties (NACO)
National Correctional Industries Association (NCIA)
National Organization of Hispanics in Criminal Justice (NOHCJ)
National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA)
North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents (NAAWS)
Southern States Correctional Association (SSCA)
United States Deputy Wardens’ Association (USDWA)
State Organizations:
Alabama Jail Association
Alabama Sheriffs Association
Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association
California State Sheriffs’ Association
Colorado Jail Association
Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency
Florida Sheriffs AssociationGeorgia Jail Administrator’s Association
Georgia Prison Wardens’ Association
Georgia Sheriffs’ Association
Idaho Corrections Association
Idaho Juvenile Justice Association
Indiana Criminal Justice Association
Indiana Sheriffs’ Association
Iowa State Sheriffs’ and Deputies’ AssociationKansas Sheriff’s Association
Kentucky Jailer Association
Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association
Louisiana Wardens’ Association
Maryland Correctional Administrators’ Association
Maryland Correctional Administrators’ Association
Maryland Sheriffs’ Association
Massachusetts Sheriffs’ Association
Michigan Sheriffs’ Association Minnesota Jail Administrator and Sheriff’s Association
Mississippi Jail Association
Mississippi Sheriff’s Association
Missouri Sheriffs’ Association
Montana Sheriff’s and Peace Officers’ Association
Nebraska Sheriff’s Association
New Hampshire Association of Counties
New Jersey County Jail Wardens’ Association
New Mexico Sheriff’s Association
New York State Sheriffs’ Association
North Carolina Correctional Association
North Carolina Jail Administrators’ Association North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association
Ohio Correctional and Court Services Association
Ohio Justice Alliance for Community Corrections
Ohio Wardens and Superintendents Association
Oklahoma Sheriffs’ Association
Oregon Criminal Justice Association
Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association
Pennsylvania Prison Warden’s Association
South Carolina Correctional Association
South Carolina Jail Administrators’ Association
South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association
South Dakota Sheriff’s Association
Tennessee Jail Administrators’ Association
Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association
Texas Corrections Association
Texas Jail Association
Sheriffs’ Association of Texas
Virginia Association of Regional Jails
Virginia Correctional Association
Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute
Washington State Jail Association
West Central Warden’s Association
West Virginia Association of Correctional Employees
Western Regional Association
There must be payoffs or incentives going on here. The old wink and nod to these associations. Do you really wonder now why we are living in a police state? This is for PROFIT. Sickening, but true.
But as they say "wait, there's more" Another page at Business Insider with a name Thomas Keefe, and a description of what they do.
Keefe Group, Inc. engages in the packaging and distribution of food and personal care products, electronics, clothing, technology, and telecommunications for the correctional market. It offers food and snacks, such as seafood, meat snacks, ready-to-eat meals, cookies and crackers, soups, candies, cheese products, chips, and nuts; and health and beauty products, including shampoos, conditioners, lotions, shaving products, deodorants, toothpastes, mouthwashes, vitamins, and supplements. The company also provides clothing and apparel, which includes jeans and denims, shirts, shorts, sweats, underwear, hats, jackets, shoes, and boots; and electronics, such as televisions, typewriters, CD players...
I thought, this is the end of my search and curiosity, but I would be wrong. The Keefe Group is just a subsidiary of a larger group, The Centric Group. Their website is very blase and really offers no explanation of what they do, but everyone there sure looks happy. Hmmmm, something was not right.
The Centric Group did have an "about us" page, but again, no name, no CEO, no nothing. This Company "Centric Group is HUGE...
One of the companies making up the Centric Group is The Keefe Group. But then to my amazement, the Centric Group is just a part of a larger company The Bodley Group. I have learned that this is how the system works, to keep your name out of things, you just make another subsidiary, and hide int he shadows. The American way.
I finally found some names to put to this company, Douglas Albrecht , Craig Albrecht, and Ted Albrecht. I did some reading and something interesting was in the bio of Douglas Albrecht.
Douglas A. Albrecht retired in 2007 as Chairman, President and Chief Executive of Centric Group, a $750 million holding company. Centric Group grew from an initial Taylor family investment in Jack Keefe Coffee Bar Sales, a two-employee business in hotel/motel in-room coffee sales. Albrecht expanded the business to include food and personal product sales to correctional facilities, eventually growing the business to a 2,000 employee nationwide network of distribution and sales centers with products ranging from Victorinox brand luggage to mylar balloons to clear-case televisions (for the prison market). Albrecht, a Minnesota native, was an All-Big 8 baseball player at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Following graduation, he spent his entire 33-year business career working for the Taylor family. Since his retirement, Albrecht is serving as Chairman of Bodley Group.
This Bodley Group is huge, check out their investments page
This Taylor family connection peaked my curiosity. It did a search for the Taylor family, and lo and behold... The name Andy Taylor popped up on my radar. I did some searching for Andy, and he is the CEO of Enterprise Rent-A Car.
The Taylor family who is the Principal owner of Enterprise Rent a Car is the parent of the Bodley Group, and the Albrecht Boys. I have a sneaking suspicion that they want to keep this relationship with the prison industrial complex in the shadows. There is a big groundswell now a days that our prison system, the prison profit system is just one of the underpinnings that are bringing down the country. When profit is a motive, when raping the system for pure cash on the backs of prisoners is how to make money, then our downfall is not far off.
In closing, we are screwed. The police state will continue to grow, as these prisons have become just another way to make a dollar in this perverse country. Is what they are doing illegal? nope. Is what they are doing wrong? I think so. I think the goal of of society is to make the world a better place. There will always be prisoners who need incarceration. But we have convicts who are serving sentences of 10, 20 years for possession of marijuana. The war on drugs is an abject failure. But a great way for these companies to profit on misery.
Gitmo Gil.
Advanced Technologies Group’s (ATG) Offender Management Suite (OMS) supports all facets of offender supervision and provides officers a unified view of the entire continuum of supervision (pre-trial, probation, incarceration and parole).
The suite of applications is an integrated system of software solutions designed to improve a corrections agency’s efficiency and effectiveness. The system collects and presents information in a fashion that enables management make more informed strategic decisions. We developed these solutions by interviewing over 1,000 users from different areas of corrections, public safety and courts and by applying over 400 combined years of professional expertise.
The Proverbial light bulb went off over my head. This is some big money, a shitload of cash, and access to the prison system. Our prisons have become profit centers for many corporations. I personally believe this is wrong. For a society to make money off the backs of inmates says a lot about greed and a lack of a moral compass. I do not begrudge anyone making a profit, but to make it on the misery and suffering of criminals and victims is abhorrent at best. You can think of this way, there are people, who are actually rooting for more crime, more victims, and this is how they make their money.
One thing I have learned over the years is to follow the money, and look for the "about us" pages on business websites. Thank you to Adam Curry at NoAgenda for this tip.
The Keefe Group has their Prisoner Entertainment Package... Don't believe me?, read on....
The Access to Entertainment MP3 player and music download program is an inmate entertainment technology designed and manufactured to provide greater safety and security in correctional facilities.
The MP3 player is built for security, with clear components, no moving or removable parts, and no recording devices, microphones or speakers. It’s pre-loaded with a catalog of millions of song titles, so inmates can spend endless hours searching for music without tethering to a kiosk. Because the system operates on a private network that Access Corrections hosts, it provides a safe, easy way to purchase music.
Access to Entertainment costs your facility nothing to implement, and you’ll benefit from it in many ways:
Eliminates the time and effort required to manually sell, account for, replace or otherwise deal with cassettes and CDs
Each MP3 Player comes programmed with the inmate’s name and DOC#, so property officers won’t need to engrave it
The player will display the inmate's updated balance, reducing questions to the business office
The program can support education, meditation and worship programs.
The first paragraph includes the following quote "inmates can spend ENDLESS HOURS searching for music" This is most likely true, and quite insightful, as that is what inmates have most of all ENDLESS HOURS. The last bullet point blew my mind. The program CAN support education, meditation and worship. Shouldn't that be the focus? Or at least, Education be a standard? Why are prisoners there in the first place? Shouldn't education be a foundation for rehabilitation? I know, there goes my idealism again...
This Keefe group basically manages everything in the prison system. Folks, there is some huge cash here, I thought that the Keefe Group must be well connected to be so integrated in the prison systems around the country. I did some more searching and found that they also provide the food and personnel to make the food. When you hear stories about drugs in prison, and how easy the prisoners can get them, you have to wonder about who has the access to the system in the first place. This is just one more opportunity of access.
But wait, there's more....
For nearly 40 years, Keefe Group has been a leader and pioneer in bringing cutting-edge services and technologies to the correctional industry.
Through its’ affiliates Keefe Supply Company, Keefe Commissary Network, Access Corrections, Access Securepak, ICSolutions and Advanced Technologies Group, Keefe Group streamlines the way correctional facilities process and manage the flow of information and communication, financial transactions and entertainment for inmates and their families.
Keefe Group offers a host of services to the corrections industry, including:
Access Secure Data Detective®
Access Secure Deposits®
Access Secure Intake®
Access Secure Mail™
Access Secure Photo™
Access Secure Release™
Access Securepak®
Access to Entertainment®
KeepTrak™ Software System
Offender Management Suite
The Edge®
The Enforcer®
This Keefe Group basically handles all aspects from arrest to parole, and EVERYTHING in between. The bottom line, MORE PRISONERS EQUALS MORE PROFIT.
In 1975, Keefe Supply Company entered the correctional market by supplying single-serve coffee packets to a Florida prison. Keefe understood the need for improvement in correctional product offerings and pioneered the packaging evolution of products sold through correctional commissaries. Keefe began packaging instant coffee and drink mixes in sealed paper pouches and was the first to offer pouch-packaged seafood, eliminating the security threat associated with metal and glass containers.
Today, Keefe is comprised of six operating companies, each focused on distinct aspects of commissary operations:Keefe Supply Company, Keefe Commissary Network, Access Securepak, Access Corrections, ICSolutions andAdvanced Technologies Group.
Keefe Group is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, and has facilities nationwide, including seven main distribution centers and ten regional service centers. We also maintain our own manufacturing facility, where we package a variety of name brand and private-label products.
At Keefe, we focus exclusively on corrections, developing the most innovative products and services and making customer satisfaction our number one priority.
I continued to look at this Keefe Group, and wondered who they are?, who sits on the board?, who owns them? It was real strange, there was none of this info on their website. Interesting. I searched the site for a clue, and found one.
A little bit up the food chain, there is another Keefe Group, different website name, same company.
The website looks more professional, and there is a sense of some huge money here.There is bit more information here, but no name, no CEO, No President of the company.
"Keefe Group, through its affiliates, Keefe Supply Company, Keefe Commissary Network, Access Securepak, Access Corrections, ICSolutions and Advanced Technologies Group, is the nation’s leading supplier of food products, personal care products, electronics, clothing, technology, telecommunications and software solutions to the correctional market.
Since 1975, Keefe has serviced the correctional market exclusively and pioneered the evolution of products, packaging and technology"
Something was starting to smell a bit more rotten. Most companies who provide all these services and products would be out front with their board of directors and corporate officers.
I hope as you have been reading this post, you have going to the company websites. There is no hint of any one who runs the company. This intrigued me even more.
Then I found all the "associations" this Keefe Group is hooked into... Holy Shit...
In order to stay abreast of the ever-evolving trends and issues its customers face, Keefe Group participates in and provides corporate support to a host of national and state organizations, including:
National Organizations:
American Correctional Association (ACA)
American Jail Association (AJA)
Association of Correctional Employees
Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA)
Association of Women Executives in Corrections (AWEC)
FSA Jail Administrators’ AssociationNational Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ)
National Association of Counties (NACO)
National Correctional Industries Association (NCIA)
National Organization of Hispanics in Criminal Justice (NOHCJ)
National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA)
North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents (NAAWS)
Southern States Correctional Association (SSCA)
United States Deputy Wardens’ Association (USDWA)
State Organizations:
Alabama Jail Association
Alabama Sheriffs Association
Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association
California State Sheriffs’ Association
Colorado Jail Association
Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency
Florida Sheriffs AssociationGeorgia Jail Administrator’s Association
Georgia Prison Wardens’ Association
Georgia Sheriffs’ Association
Idaho Corrections Association
Idaho Juvenile Justice Association
Indiana Criminal Justice Association
Indiana Sheriffs’ Association
Iowa State Sheriffs’ and Deputies’ AssociationKansas Sheriff’s Association
Kentucky Jailer Association
Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association
Louisiana Wardens’ Association
Maryland Correctional Administrators’ Association
Maryland Correctional Administrators’ Association
Maryland Sheriffs’ Association
Massachusetts Sheriffs’ Association
Michigan Sheriffs’ Association Minnesota Jail Administrator and Sheriff’s Association
Mississippi Jail Association
Mississippi Sheriff’s Association
Missouri Sheriffs’ Association
Montana Sheriff’s and Peace Officers’ Association
Nebraska Sheriff’s Association
New Hampshire Association of Counties
New Jersey County Jail Wardens’ Association
New Mexico Sheriff’s Association
New York State Sheriffs’ Association
North Carolina Correctional Association
North Carolina Jail Administrators’ Association North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association
Ohio Correctional and Court Services Association
Ohio Justice Alliance for Community Corrections
Ohio Wardens and Superintendents Association
Oklahoma Sheriffs’ Association
Oregon Criminal Justice Association
Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association
Pennsylvania Prison Warden’s Association
South Carolina Correctional Association
South Carolina Jail Administrators’ Association
South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association
South Dakota Sheriff’s Association
Tennessee Jail Administrators’ Association
Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association
Texas Corrections Association
Texas Jail Association
Sheriffs’ Association of Texas
Virginia Association of Regional Jails
Virginia Correctional Association
Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute
Washington State Jail Association
West Central Warden’s Association
West Virginia Association of Correctional Employees
Western Regional Association
There must be payoffs or incentives going on here. The old wink and nod to these associations. Do you really wonder now why we are living in a police state? This is for PROFIT. Sickening, but true.
But as they say "wait, there's more" Another page at Business Insider with a name Thomas Keefe, and a description of what they do.
Keefe Group, Inc. engages in the packaging and distribution of food and personal care products, electronics, clothing, technology, and telecommunications for the correctional market. It offers food and snacks, such as seafood, meat snacks, ready-to-eat meals, cookies and crackers, soups, candies, cheese products, chips, and nuts; and health and beauty products, including shampoos, conditioners, lotions, shaving products, deodorants, toothpastes, mouthwashes, vitamins, and supplements. The company also provides clothing and apparel, which includes jeans and denims, shirts, shorts, sweats, underwear, hats, jackets, shoes, and boots; and electronics, such as televisions, typewriters, CD players...
I thought, this is the end of my search and curiosity, but I would be wrong. The Keefe Group is just a subsidiary of a larger group, The Centric Group. Their website is very blase and really offers no explanation of what they do, but everyone there sure looks happy. Hmmmm, something was not right.
The Centric Group did have an "about us" page, but again, no name, no CEO, no nothing. This Company "Centric Group is HUGE...
One of the companies making up the Centric Group is The Keefe Group. But then to my amazement, the Centric Group is just a part of a larger company The Bodley Group. I have learned that this is how the system works, to keep your name out of things, you just make another subsidiary, and hide int he shadows. The American way.
I finally found some names to put to this company, Douglas Albrecht , Craig Albrecht, and Ted Albrecht. I did some reading and something interesting was in the bio of Douglas Albrecht.
Douglas A. Albrecht retired in 2007 as Chairman, President and Chief Executive of Centric Group, a $750 million holding company. Centric Group grew from an initial Taylor family investment in Jack Keefe Coffee Bar Sales, a two-employee business in hotel/motel in-room coffee sales. Albrecht expanded the business to include food and personal product sales to correctional facilities, eventually growing the business to a 2,000 employee nationwide network of distribution and sales centers with products ranging from Victorinox brand luggage to mylar balloons to clear-case televisions (for the prison market). Albrecht, a Minnesota native, was an All-Big 8 baseball player at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Following graduation, he spent his entire 33-year business career working for the Taylor family. Since his retirement, Albrecht is serving as Chairman of Bodley Group.
This Bodley Group is huge, check out their investments page
This Taylor family connection peaked my curiosity. It did a search for the Taylor family, and lo and behold... The name Andy Taylor popped up on my radar. I did some searching for Andy, and he is the CEO of Enterprise Rent-A Car.
The Taylor family who is the Principal owner of Enterprise Rent a Car is the parent of the Bodley Group, and the Albrecht Boys. I have a sneaking suspicion that they want to keep this relationship with the prison industrial complex in the shadows. There is a big groundswell now a days that our prison system, the prison profit system is just one of the underpinnings that are bringing down the country. When profit is a motive, when raping the system for pure cash on the backs of prisoners is how to make money, then our downfall is not far off.
In closing, we are screwed. The police state will continue to grow, as these prisons have become just another way to make a dollar in this perverse country. Is what they are doing illegal? nope. Is what they are doing wrong? I think so. I think the goal of of society is to make the world a better place. There will always be prisoners who need incarceration. But we have convicts who are serving sentences of 10, 20 years for possession of marijuana. The war on drugs is an abject failure. But a great way for these companies to profit on misery.
Gitmo Gil.
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