Thursday, August 8, 2013

We have lost our way

Lets give some staggering numbers to this note... There are as of this writing 101 million people on food stamps.  Does that number just knock your socks off? It sure does it to me.  Almost 1 out of 3 people in the richest country on earth, is receiving some sort of food supplement. What the fuck has happened?

Here is another one... the top 7% of the people control over 80% of the wealth.  Again, this just shows that the rich get richer and poor are getting fucked and bigger by the day.

4 out 5 people are one paycheck from being out on the street.  That's comforting.  Just when you think it cant get any worse, these numbers just keep piling up.  Can you even imagine just how horrifying these numbers are?  I am one of the very fortunate ones, I have a full time job. I am a counselor for Autistic adults. I take one of my guys to the local YMCA  so he can walk.  When we go in, there is a group of men, most of them around my age (52) and some younger, and they are sitting around a conference table, playing cards, chess, and shooting the bull.  I was hanging out one day, and I heard them all talking about trying to find work.  The exasperation and desperation their voices was palpable.  These are men, who use to be part of the upper middle class. You would not find them or their families at the YMCA, no, these were the masters of the universe. They would be at their elite health club, not mixing with lower classes.  They are all humbled now. Their wives are the ones who work two part time jobs, to make ends meet. These guys, bring the kids to the Y to network, and hope that the fucking Obama miracle is going to happen. What the hell are their chances?  Do not even get me going on that scumbag in the White House. I fell for the lie, ONCE. The country fell for the lie again, and folks, we are so fucked, I cannot even begin to imagine what is going to happen. Nuclear War? Pandemic? Financial Collapse? Mass Riots? Civil War? Which one do you vote for? me, I am voting for the Civil War, but not a war of the North and South, nope, this is going to be a class war, and its going to be a war to end all wars.

Where is the hope? Please do tell. I would like some comments. Am I being to negative? Where is the american dream?  How come the soup kitchens are over flowing? How come almost 20 million kids go to bed hungry every night? How come the prisons are so crowded with non violent offenders?

What actually makes me sick to my stomach is the media complicity in all this.  The sheer amount of distractions to keep the sheeple form getting angry or asking the tough questions, is questionable at best and criminal at worst. Where is the true reporting on scandals?  Where is the 4th Estate gone?  They have been co-opted and sold out. Sadly there is  no hope. When more people care about what the hell Jennifer Aniston had for breakfast than care about Bradley Manning, or the murder of Michael Hastings, we have lost. we have lost many things, but mostly we have lost our way.

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