Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Poor Kids

I am on a rant today.  One of the basic tenants of life has been, to give your kids a better life than you had.  I have tried. That is not going to happen unless the revolution occurs.

We basically have to start over.  The sheer amount of corruption starting in the Oval Office and filtering down to the local levels is staggering.  I really do not know where to begin.

Obama- corrupt to the core. Impeachment should have happened a few years ago. He has turned into a joke in the circles that I hang out in.  "The first thing I'm going to do is bring our troops home, you can take that to the bank"  The first thing I'm going to do is close Gitmo" need I say more.  The amount of lies, scandals, audacity, murder, you name it, he murders with the drones, I am wondering if he spies on Michelle with the drones? He really does make me sick. I voted for him the first time. Sorry.

I really would like one day, just one, that "regular" folks in this country can go into the White House press room, and ask him some questions. Is that asking for a lot?

Edward Snowden-Bradley Manning Win Pulitzer Prize!!!!  You have no idea how bad I want to see that headline.

I really do wonder if and when the people in this country are going to wake the fuck up, and start the revolution.  If the revelation about the massive NSA spying program did nothing, which does seem to be apparent now, then we are truly fucked. I am quite sure if I put the following keywords into this doc, "pressure cooker bomb" it will be read by some nameless douchebag at the NSA or some shill corporation and the nazi storm troopers will be knocking at my door.  Hi Guys, GO FUCK YOURSELF.  I just love the news recently, TERROR THREAT, BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID...  Do these assholes in govt really believe the bullshit? really?  my god, stop spying on me, and I will take my risk on my own. I do not need the Nanny state looking out for me, I do not want to live in a risk free world. We need those wasted trillions of dollars to teach our children, build our roads, our infrastructure, our schools. I want to spend it at home, not killing brown people for oil. Stop the military industrial complex.

More people are killed by passenger trains in one year, than die by terrorists in 10 years. FACT!!!  Have we stopped the trains?

The nanny state must go away, where is the pioneering spirit?  We need a certain amount of risk.

Maybe you have noticed on your travels that the roads are falling apart. The rest of the world is on high speed rail and maglev trains, and our rail passenger system is a joke.  We have not plan, besides, keep the people scared!!!!

 I am really at a crossroads in my life. I really use to be optimistic about the future, but now, I think not. There was a day when if you went to college, got your degree, you were assured of the "american dream" now? FUCK NO!!!  There are two, not one, but TWO women with Masters degrees working behind the deli at the local supermarket.  They both had good jobs, seemed secure, but one Friday, TWO YEARS AGO, the company they worked for FIRED them. JUST BECAUSE!!!... That makes me angry, you should see these women slice ham....That is the tip of the iceberg. They are just two people who comprise the 47% of Americans who work part time. Thats right, 47% of the jobs here are part time.  No medical, no pension, minimal sick days, minimal vacation accrual. That's where the jobs are, if there is any work at all, its part time now. How fucking sad.  The day when dad went off to work, and mom stayed home with the baby, GONE FOR 35 years....

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